Page 14 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“After the holidays we’ll have to put our heads together. You’re still trying to figure out what is going on with Ivan though, right?”

“They are in good shape, but I’d like to see an engagement ring and hope it’s coming this week,” she said.

“Maybe this summer we can figure out a way to have Sawyer here when you’re having one of your parties?” Marci asked.

“This summer! No way I’m waiting that long. Let’s just get past the holidays and I’ll put my thinking cap on.”

“Well, then,” Marci said, “how about that coffee while we brainstorm?”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” she said.


Was Her Choice

Later that night, Faith was home checking on her dinner in the oven, then went upstairs to iron her clothes for tomorrow.

She hadn’t been back to the dog park until this week. It was just as she’d said, it was too hard with Fred, but she knew her best friend needed to run and she was determined to do it this weekend.

She’d gone yesterday at eight and then again today. She was hoping to see Sawyer and was disappointed when she hadn’t yesterday.

But then she had to remind herself that she’d been going there for years and hadn’t seen him once before. Or if she had, she didn’t notice him as someone other than another jogger in the area.

She didn’t think he had to live that far away, but far enough that he drove there and didn’t run there.

Guess that was one of those things they’d talk about when they went on their date.

She’d found it funny that he had her number and didn’t try to reach out, that maybe he wasn’t single.

The fact that it had more to do with being honest made her feel better.

Not that she had trust issues, but her family had told her more than once she was too fussy when it came to people. Not just men, but women too.

She liked who she liked and wanted to be around. She felt it was her choice and she was taking that option.

She finished with her clothes and then went back to the kitchen, the timer going off on her chicken, and she pulled it out.

She didn’t need to cook a whole chicken, but it’d give her leftovers for all sorts of things this week and that was what she liked to do.

Nice and efficient.

Once it was cooled, she’d slice some to put on salads for lunch and then make chicken salad for another day. She didn’t care if she ate the same protein several times; she just had to doctor it up differently.

The chicken was resting and she drained her potatoes that she’d mash. With leftovers, she’d make potato and cheese cakes for dinner tomorrow. She had this down to a science, how to make one meal and stretch it into more.

She giggled over the science comment and then tried not to laugh again at the look on Sawyer’s face when he found out what she did for a living.

She figured he could have checked into her if he wanted to. But maybe he didn’t think it was ethical.

Who was she to say? He could be a mystery as so many thought she was.

“Are you hungry, Fred?”

Fred barked once.

She finished with her potatoes and pulled out the small bag of veggies that were in the microwave and poured dry food into Fred’s bowl.

She carved the chicken, put some on her plate and chopped up a little for Fred. He always got some of what she ate too.
