Page 88 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“Always. I didn’t expect her to be here. It’s like she knows when we are going to be here even when we don’t know we are going to be here.”

“It’s scary as hell, isn’t it?” Liam asked.


“Here’s your soup and sandwich. What’s Fred getting tonight?”

“I’ll give him some of my sandwich,” she said. “You load it full of so much chicken that I can’t eat it all anyway.”

“I figured as much,” Liam said. “I added an extra half piece in there for him.”

She laughed at the bag that her brother handed her. “Fred thanks you.”

She moved back to leave and her aunt was still standing there. “What did you get for you and Fred tonight?”

“Soup and a sandwich for me. Fred will get some chicken,” she said. It wasn’t like her aunt to not get right to the point and ask her about the date with Sawyer.

Sawyer had told her last night what happened at his grandparents’ house and how he’d made them swear to not say anything to anyone with the last name of Fierce.

“That’s nice. You’re a good parent. Someday you’ll have a kid to be so kind to.”

She rolled her eyes. “Someday.”

“Did you go on your date with Sawyer yet?” her aunt asked. “You haven’t replied to my texts.”

“I’ve replied to you,” she argued.

“You have, but you haven’t answered me on that question.”

She grinned. “Yes, we went on our date last Saturday.”

“Two days ago?” her aunt asked.

She looked into her aunt’s eyes. She could tell her aunt didn’t know. “No. Nine days ago. But we did go on another date two days ago. Another one during the week too.”

Her aunt started to almost do a little jig in place. “I knew it. You guys are perfect for each other.”

“Three dates don’t make someone perfect,” she said, laughing.

“You know what I mean. I’m never wrong. What does Fred think of him or hasn’t he met him yet?”

“He’s met him and since it’s been more than one date that should tell you what Fred thinks.”

“All good,” her aunt said. “Are you going on another date sometime soon?”

She could lie but there was no reason to at this point.

“We are,” she said. “And my dinner is going to get cold if I don’t get home to eat it soon.”

“I’ll let you go,” her aunt said. “Just remember—I was right.”

“You’ll never let me forget,” she said. The minute she got in her car, she knew she had to call her mother. There was no way she couldn’t. Her aunt was going to tonight for sure and then she’d never hear the end of it.

“Hi, Faith,” her mother said. “How are you doing?”

“Good,” she said. “I just left the pub. I stopped to get some dinner for me and Fred.”

“Just you and Fred or that is what you told everyone when they asked about two dinners?”
