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“Yeah. She’s shy, but it is easier for her to be social if she’s invisible. If she finds that guitar, it will definitely boost her for the day.” Yalida nodded and flipped the burgers on the grill.

The family appeared on a path in the woods, and Ondine smiled at Heraina.

Hera passed a baby to the man with red eyes next to her and made a beeline for Ondine. The hug was intense. Hera was really strong. She lifted Ondine off her feet and swung her around. “Onny, I can’t believe how good you look. You are out of Titan!”

“Yeah. The promise of a dinner made by someone else was a huge inducement.” She chuckled. “That, and we are crashing in the guesthouse.”


“Me and Amadine. She’s around here somewhere.”

There was a laugh that ended in a shriek from inside the house. “There she is.”

Hera’s collection had caught up to her. Ondine looked to Syrn. “Pleased to meet you once again.”

He nodded with a smile. “You are shorter than I thought.”

She snickered. “I get that a lot.” She turned to the other one. “Misker.”

He inclined his head. “You are not what I imagined inside the Titan.”

“You thought I was a purple rabbit, right?”

He smiled, and the baby in his arms cooed. “It would certainly be less startling than the events of the past few weeks.”

“Congratulations. That was a fast pregnancy.”

Hera chuckled. “You have no idea.”

Syrn chuckled. “Do you want to hold one of them?”

“He might not like it. I have an energy field that babies aren’t fond of.”

Hera smiled. “Try it. We will take over if they fuss.”

The small dark-haired baby was placed in her arms, and Ondine focused on relaxing so that the baby would remain calm.

The small, dark eyes looked up at her, and he kicked his feet and giggled. “It seems the curse is lifted, and no frogs were harmed in the process.”

Hera smiled. “He is the most laidback dude in the house. An excellent training baby.”

Lida looked over and smiled. “I wanna touch him.”

Hera nodded. “Syrn can deal with whatever happens next.”

Syrn nodded. “I can deal with it if you can.”

Yalida reached out and stroked the baby’s cheek. He snuffled, whimpered, and relaxed. A burp soon followed.

“Just like all the guys I meet.” Yalida laughed and returned to the grilling. Everyone chuckled, and Ondine walked to one of the folding chairs and had a seat while holding the tiny person.

Amadine stopped running around and walked up to her. “Oh, he’s small.”

Hera sat nearby. “He did not feel that way at the time.”

Misker sat with the little one easily cradled in his arms. “Alejandro and I apologize daily for the twins, though Hera bears the responsibility for it. She had multiple eggs and that is what crafted these little guys.”

Hera sighed. “What did we say about blaming me?”
