Page 30 of Knot Your Life

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“Fuck you, Jacob. We have nothing to say to each other. I have a real pack now, you’re fucked and the world saw how shitty you two are. Feel free to get the hell out of Lockwood. You’re not welcome here.”

He started to laugh but it cut off as the sound of scooting chairs and footsteps echoed in the room. The entire fucking diner was now standing around us, flanking us on both sides.

My heart swelled as a wall of Lockwood residents stared off the single beta trying to intimidate me.

“Fine,” he said, backing out of the door. “But we will talk, Ellie.”

“You guys can go fuck yourselves,” I answered him. He studied me curiously before leaving, letting the door close.

A collective sigh echoed out and Ezra brought me behind the counter.

“Free pie for everyone. I fucking love this town!” Ezra yelled out, the entire diner cheering as I started helping dish out and carry the plates to the tables.

I’d never seen my alpha smile so wide.

* * *

Seeingthe pack gathered and waiting for Ezra and I at the pizza parlor had me breathing normally again.

Bear and Collin had kept their distance from Lockwood today and Dean and Atlas already worked out of town, but it hadn’t helped ease the unsettled feeling I’d had since running into Jacob… twice.

“I already ordered,” Collin announced as we sat, standing up to give me a quick kiss before taking his seat again.

“Anyone else been feeling like we’re on pins and needles when we’re not together like this?” Dean asked. Glancing around the table, I saw my entire pack looked exhausted.

“I’m really sorry, guys, I feel like I brought this here,” Bear said.

“No, you warned us,” Ezra said. “You belong here. They do not.”

“Did they blow up your phone again?” I asked Bear. He nodded and Collin tapped his pocket.

“I’m holding onto it for now. He wanted to block them again but I’m screenshotting in case we need evidence, and trying to see if they give anything away. It’s more of the same bullshit,” he admitted.

“Anyone seen Trevor?” Atlas asked. I’d texted them the details of our morning already.

“No,” I admitted. “Just Jacob today. He was alone both times and Trevor wasn’t in his car with him.”

“Found him,” Collin said. I followed his line of sight to the front where the hostess was seating the couple. They both glanced our way and kept their faces neutral. It was obvious we were being followed now.

“Do we go to the police?” Dean asked quietly. “That’s obviously stalking.”

“We can’t prove it, plus they don’t do shit about stalkers,” Ezra said. “We can leave if you two need to.”

Bear and I looked at each other. It was a few beats of uncertainty before I watched determination settle on his handsome features.

“No,” he said. “We’re having dinner as a pack. This table is the only one that matters.”

“Well said,” Collin told him, bumping his shoulder and putting his hand up to catch the waitress’s attention.

“Can I get you guys anything?” she asked, giving us a kind smile as she tucked her blond hair behind her ear.

“Can you get us a pitcher of beer and send two bottles to that couple near the window, blue and red shirts?” he asked.

She nodded, jotting it down on the ticket and eyeing the tables until she found them. “Of course, I’ll do that right now.”

“Why be nice?” Dean questioned. I had the same exact response as the beta. This was definitely not the same alpha who talked about wanting to teach them a lesson just last night.

“It’s a return gesture, I doubt they see it as kind. They’ll give us cocky smirks, clink the bottles, and laugh about us. But now they know we’re fully aware and aren’t backing down.”
