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“Okay, listen, this might sound crazy, but women email Kyle nudes, like, daily. They somehow get ahold of his email address and send him these pics, hoping to get his attention. And since I deal with his inbox, I’m the one who ends up seeing them. I thought you were coming up here to fire me for having naked pics on my work laptop.”

Jerry laughed so hard I couldn’t help but join in.

“Being a billionaire would be great for the money and all but damn, he’s dealing with stuff I can’t even imagine.”

I blew out a breath, relieved. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

“And listen, unless you kept those pictures and then sent them out in a company wide email, I don’t think there’s a problem. Maybe we can talk to IT to see if we can get them filtered out or something?”

“Oh!” I said excited. “Good idea. I’ll send them an email.” I made a quick note to do just that, so I didn’t forget.

“So,” Kyle hedged. “I came up here to see how you were doing. Are you liking the job? Feeling settled?”

“Yes, and yes.” I smiled. “It’s nice of you to check up on me.”

Jerry had emailed a few times over the past three weeks, and I told him I was happy and settled, but it was still nice to have an in person visit.

“Great. So, listen, a group of us go out for happy hour most Fridays after work and I just realized we’ve never invited you. If interested, I’d love for you to stop by tonight. I know you have Lily, and this is last minute, but I was hoping you could swing it?”

“I don’t know…” I trailed off. Having Lily was the perfect excuse, but she was with my dad today and I was sure he wouldn’t mind an extra hour or two. And, both of my parents were always encouraging me to get back out there in the dating world.

“Hey, no pressure,” Jerry said. “You can come out next time, or not at all, or whatever you want. I’m not your boss so there aren’t any power dynamics at play here.” He laughed but I could tell her was nervous. He didn’t want to make me uncomfortable.

And he wasn’t.

“No, of course not,” I said. “I’d love to.”

“Great.” Jerry smiled. “Can I get your number?”


Jerry pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his khakis and handed it to me unlocked. “This’ll be fun he said.”

Vaguely, I noticed Kyle out of the corner of my eye at the coffee station.

“I think so,” I said, handing him back his phone. It would be nice to have some work friends and, I was interested in getting to know Jerry more. He was nice and handsome and so mature, all the things I should want in man.

He just wasn’t Kyle.

I pushed that thought out of my mind.

I gave him his phone back. “I’ll text you, so you have my number,” Jerry said, tapping away on his phone screen.

Just a second later, my phone buzzed. “Got it,” I told him.

“It’s a date,” Jerry said.

A date?I was pretty sure he said a group of people went. Not that I was opposed to going out with Jerry alone, but had he asked me out on a date, and I didn’t even realize it?

“Emma,” Kyle said, suddenly appearing at my desk. “I need to see you in my office.”

I locked eyes with Jerry like we were two kids who just got caught by the principal.

“Hey, Kyle,” Jerry said, pocketing his phone.

“Jerry,” Kyle said cooly.

“I’ll see you later,” I told Jerry as I came out from behind my desk.
