Page 27 of Blood & Bonds

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Matthyw remained perfectly still while his bitch of a wife scrambled onto the shore.


Let this be a surprise.

He pushed to the surface so he could watch. In truth, the only time he got this close to her was when he was forced to kiss her during their wedding, and that had been a peck at best.

But this?

This would be intimate.

The ground shook.

Her eyes widened. And she knew. She knew.

“Matthyw?” she whispered. “Help me.”

He smiled and watched as a hulking Vrykolakas ran across the shore and ripped his wife into pieces.


During the entirety of the day, I kept waiting for someone to ask me about it, to ask me whether it was true my father was going to marry Professor Chamberly. I didn’t even know how to respond to the question. I wasn’t even sure what to say, but how could they not know? Unless my father hadn’t announced it. Maybe he was waiting until after the lottery.

Rianne was nowhere to be found either, so it wasn’t as though I could talk to her about it, and even if I could, I didn’t think I’d ask.

By the time I got to training, my head was full. I still had the same questions rolling around inside of me, but I had yet to find any satisfying answers. While speaking to Taskier helped that a bit — at least he seemed as blindsided by my father’s choice as I was — that was the only person I felt like I could talk to about this.

Except Matthyw.

I stepped into the locker room, allowing myself a small moment to think about him. He would be upset — he was upset when he found out the truth. I knew his anger stemmed more from his belief that the Royal line shouldn’t be diluted with anything else but pure wolf blood, but still. It calmed me to know I had his support.

I headed to my locker and began to pull off my uniform. I cut a glance around me, surprised when I didn’t spot a familiar head of pink hair. Where was Embyrlyn? I frowned, standing in merely a sports bra and some underwear. I could have sworn I had seen her earlier, but maybe she had been called away.

I shook my head, trying to ignore the disappointment that had swelled into my chest as I gathered the rest of my clothes and tugged them on. It wasn’t as though Embyrlyn would take away the fact that my father was marrying my professor nor would Embyrlyn replaced Rianne so quickly, but Embyrlyn was known for her honesty and she wouldn’t treat me like I was a child. There was respect between the two of us, and I would have liked to have heard her perspective because there was a good chance it would have softened mine.

By the time I finished, the locker room was relatively empty. I moved out of the back and onto the flat surface of the training ground, ready to line up with everyone else. After another quick scan, I found she wasn’t out here either.

“...didn’t you hear?” a voice murmured behind me. “It’s so embarrassing. I’m surprised this entire school isn’t talking about it.”

“Well, that’s what you get when you have Kazu as your squad leader,” another voice said.

“Oh, so you did hear?”

“My friend was there, at the bar,” the second voice said. “She watched as Embyrlyn downed that shot and then announced that she was looking to get rid of her virginity. Oh, my God, just saying the words out loud is so embarrassing. I just, I can’t.”

“I mean,” the first voice said. “The fact that she would even admit she’s a virgin. Like, who does that?”

“And so close to the full moon,” the second agreed. “It was like she had no sense of self-preservation. Like, the wolves could have jumped her or something. Done awful things just to claim that from her.”

“I mean, virgin blood is sacred,” the first voice said.

At that moment, Captain Rainey came strolling out of the office, hands behind his back, whistling one of the songs that always found a home on his lips. Chamerly wasn’t with him, and I didn’t realize how relieved I was until I loosed a breath at her absence. It didn’t seem to matter what was going on, nothing perturbed him in the slightest. I was positive the academy could be burning to a crisp and he would still be whistling in some capacity.

“All right,” he said once he was directly in front of everyone. Exhaustion touched his voice, causing it to appear lackluster. If he wasn’t wearing his aviators, I was sure I’d see bags under his eyes. “Pair up and start working. I want to see transformations this time. What happens when a wolf attacks you in your human form?”

Everyone started to listen. I glanced around, trying not to make it obvious I didn’t have a partner because then, I would have to train with Rainey himself. And while the captain was laidback and could be charming, I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him at the moment. My head was too full, too distracted, and I didn’t want him sniffing out the reason for it. In truth, he probably could, and I wouldn’t even realize it.

“King,” he said, making his way over to me.
