Page 40 of Blood & Bonds

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“Quiet,” he snapped, not even bothering to look at them. His focus was solely on Rocky, on Embyrlyn. He just wanted them to shut up so he could hear what they were saying.

The girls instantly quieted, though they continued to whisper to themselves.

“I’m saying, I’m here to help if you need me,” Rocky said. Kazu hated the sincerity in his tone too. He didn’t doubt it, not necessarily, but he also knew Rocky had a way with women and could charm them with just the sound of his voice. “But Kazu is also a good resource. I don’t think anyone has seen more missions than he has. If anything, you can talk to him about what to expect. I’m sure he’d be willing to listen to you.”

Kazu blinked. That was…unexpected.

It was also infuriating.

Because he knew what they were talking about. He knew this was about the Scarlet a roll mission. And he couldn’t help but wonder who approached who.

And even then, even if he knew, did it even matter?

He already told her…and he had had a conversation with him…

“Actually, if you’re still up for it, I’d like to take you up on that offer.” Kazu nearly choked on the bite of apple still in his mouth. What thefuckwas Embyrlyn saying? Did she even know? Or was she living in some kind of delusional land where she purposefully ignored his advice? “I’d like…I mean, well….” He hated how nervous she sounded. He hated that she seemed to genuinely care about his reaction to her. “If you have the time, and you meant what you said, I’d really appreciate learning all I can about sex, including experiencing it for the first time.”

The girls sitting across from him screeched, and it was only then that he realized he had crushed the rest of his apple in his hand, causing chunks of it to scatter. Apparently, a couple pieces hit the girls, but he couldn’t be bothered to apologize.

“I’d be honored.” He didn’t have to look at Rocky to know the bastard had that arrogant, charm smile girls seemed to fall for on his perfect fucking face.

A screech against the floor indicated movement. Kazu glanced over, only to see Rocky lean towards Embyrlyn and whisper something in her ear. Her high cheeks flushed pink, and he hated Rocky even more than he already did.

It was strange, this unfamiliar feeling of body going from as cold as an ice blue to burning blue flames. Kazu’s emotions were always fixed, something he could hide from.

But there was something to this, and it bothered him that he, too, acted like some spoiled kid who couldn’t sit still. This was barely even a discussion. Embyrlyn didn’t know what to call him, but she did know she wanted to go quickly. She didn’t seem to mind them when she was speaking so damn intimately with a captain, but that couldn’t be helped. And, right now, there didn’t seem to be too much of a big deal about it.

Kazu stood up abruptly, turning his entire attention to the table. Except both of them were gone.

His eyes widened and he glanced around, trying to catch sight of one of both of them. Had they left together? Had they gone their separate ways?

He didn’t understand the urgency he felt to find them. Didn’t understand why he needed to do so before…

Before anything happened.

Before Embyrlyn changed and there was no going back.

And what do you think you’re going to do about it?

He didn’t know.

He didn’twantto know. Because he had this weird sensation of what he was going to do, and he didn’t want to think about any of it right now.

Standing up, he turned, looking towards the exit. Still nothing to relieve him of the burden that began to weigh at his heart. He tilted his head up, taking in her scent. He ignored the vanilla strawberries, the way even his olfactory senses somehow were able to pick her out among everybody else. He didn’t want to admit that he knew her so well, could recognize her, but he could and he did.

She was already gone, had already left, and if he didn’t hurry…

He didn’t want to think about it.

Why do you care? She’s just some girl who’s going on some mission she won’t be able to handle. She’s an emotional wreck who thinks she’s in love with the last remaining member of the Sterling pack. She’s nothing to me. She’s no one.

But even as he thought those things, even as he willed them to be true, he knew it wasn’t the case.


Because she washisstudent.
