Page 10 of Popping Her Hood

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She chuckles and I can feel her eyes on me, no longer watching the world pass us by. “How old are you, Theo?”

“I’m 35.” I look at her out of the corner of my eye, but she doesn’t look concerned at all. Still, I must know. “Does it bother you?”

“No. Should it?” I shrug, unsure of how to answer. “I’m 24.” There’s a challenge in her voice, “Does it bother you?”

I pull into a spot at the park, not surprised to see people here already but thankful that it’s not as full as I thought it would be. I turn toward Sarah fully and study her face. She’s not asking out of malice, there’s a stubborn lift to her chin.

“I don’t give a fuck that you’re younger than me, my little beauty. It doesn’t change a thing.” She gives me a satisfied smile and it’s so damn cute.

I can’t help myself.

I pull my hand off her thigh and grip the back of my woman’s neck, loving the way her eyes widen as I pull her closer. When our lips are almost touching, I murmur, “Can I kiss you, Sarah?”

Her eyes dart down to my lips before meeting my gaze again. “Yes, please.”

I keep my movements slow, not wanting to spook her even though all I want to do is consume this woman. When our lips touch, the world tilts. Everything changes. Everything.

The way Sarah gasps tells me she’s feeling the same thing I am. I press my lips harder against hers and run my tongue along her bottom lip. She moans into my mouth, and I slowly and gently prod her mouth with my tongue, tasting her for the first time.

Her hands shoot out and she grips my shoulders, the tips of her fingers digging into me as she holds on. There is so much untapped passion in my woman, and I plan to uncover all of it. When she’s ready.

I slow the kiss down, knowing I’ll be able to taste her for hours to come. When I pull back from her slowly, she keeps her eyes closed as a lazy smile graces her face.

“That was my first kiss,” she whispers lazily before her eyes snap open, and a look of mortification covers her features. “Oh, crap, I did not just say that.”

I grin at her, barely holding in my laughter, but I never want her to think I’m laughing at her. “You did say it and I’m honored, Sarah,” my voice full of conviction. I kiss her lips softly. “So honored, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell you how much.”

Her eyes are wary as she looks at me. “Really? I’m 24, we just covered that.”

I nod slowly. “There’s a reason you’ve held yourself apart. You don’t need to tell me now, but I hope, one day, you’ll trust me enough to tell me. It scared you.” She blinks at me in disbelief. “It’s written all over your face, my beauty.” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You won’t be my first, but I swear when you decide to give yourself to me, you’ll be my last. I’ll never betray your gift.”

“Wow,” she mutters, her eyes taking on a dreamy, awe-filled quality.

I give her one more kiss before reluctantly letting her go. I help her out of the truck before I grab everything out of the back and reluctantly hand the blanket over to her when she insists on carrying it. We set up in the perfect spot on the fringes of the crowd.

It allows us to not disturb anyone as we eat and watch the movie while also chatting softly. Everything she shares with me, every piece of herself, feels like I’m winning something. Like I’m winning her.

I cherish every piece, holding it close, because I know when I have all of her, I’ll never be letting her go.



For someone who has shied away from attention and men for a long time, basking in the focus Theo puts on me has made me feel like a whole new person. A better person? A more comfortable person?

Whatever it is, I’m liking it and it seems like everyone else around me is as well. My family never treated me differently, not really, but they’re no longer looking at me with a twinge of concern like I’m going to fall apart at any moment.

Because I’m not fragile. I feel stronger than I ever have before.

I’ve seen Theo every day for the last week, and I’ve felt my confidence grow every time I’m around him. I know I shouldn’t require a man to make me feel good about myself, but I think it’s morehimthan anything else. Just any man wouldn’t do. Not at all.

It’s the way he focuses on me. It’s the way his touch telegraphs the way he cares for me—and he constantly has to touch me. It’s the way I don’t feel the need to shy away and hide when I’m around him.

I don’t think I’ve changed so much that I crave attention from everyone in the world. Just him.

He makes me feel alive and seen in a way my family hasn’t been able to give me. It’s a new sensation, one I’m reveling in.

He hasn’t pushed me for more than kisses and touches. All the moments we’ve spent together has an inferno raging inside of me, but I can tell he’s waiting for me to be ready.
