Page 15 of Popping Her Hood

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I know it’s fast, but I know how I feel. There isn’t a future without her in it. I want her at my side, and I want to see her grow. It’s an honor and a privilege to be the man she trusts.

With my dick still inside of her, I roll us until we’re on our sides and facing each other, my hands still moving over her skin. She peeks up at me, her cheeks flush and an embarrassed innocence in her eyes which has me smirking.

I tease her, “Don’t get shy on me now, not after you just rode my dick like I’m a thoroughbred.”

She giggles and kisses my chest before melting into me. There’s no judgement in her tone, only curiosity when she asks, “Do you have to go to work today?”

I sigh and nod before kissing her forehead. “I hate it, but, yeah, I do.”

“It’s okay,” she mutters softly. “I know how important the garage is. We’ve been spending a lot of time together. I don’t want to be the reason you get behind.”

I push her back a little bit from me so I can look down into her eyes. There’s an uncertainty there which I can’t allow to continue. I cup her face and hold her in place so she can’t look away. I need her to hear me.

“You are more important than the garage,” I start.

Her eyebrows come together, and she insists, “No. The garage is your legacy, the one you’re keeping going for your dad. That means something.”

“It does,” I agree and smile gently, “but that doesn’t mean it’s more important than you. It’s not. I want to keep the garage going for my dad and for any kids we might have.” Her eyes widen as she looks at me without blinking. I wink and shrug one shoulder like my words aren’t a big deal. “If they’re into it, of course. I won’t force them.”

“You’re serious,” she says flatly.

There’s something in her eyes that looks a lot like fear. It’s a demon I’m going to slay. I know why it’s there and it’s all rooted in how she grew up.

“No, little beauty,” I demand. “You’re not going to let fear win. You’re not going to run. Not from this, from us. You’re going to let me take care of you because you take care of me by simply existing. We’re going to have a great life together.”

She studies me, the silence stretching between us, but I’m not afraid of it. I’m not going to back down from it. I can practically see the way the wheels of her mind are turning over my words and reconciling them with her past.

“You sound so sure of yourself and us,” she finally whispers.

I hold her a little closer and bring her hand between us to rest where my heart is beating in my chest. She’s not ready for the entire truth, but she’s ready for part of it.

“I know it here, Sarah.” I tap her hand where it rests above my heart. “I’m sure of us because I feel it and I trust it. It’ll take time and there may be moments when we both stumble, but we’ll help each other through those times.”

Sarah nods slowly, her eyes fixed on her hand on my chest. When her honey-colored eyes meet mine, I see some of her fear dissipating. Instead of saying anything, she leans into me and kisses me softly.

The kiss holds gratefulness. It holds thanks. It holds her fear and her hope.

I take her kiss and give her all of me in return.



I’m surprisingly nervous as I drive Sarah out to SO’s land where most of the family has built homes to create a commune of sorts. I haven’t spent much time with the family in the past and definitely not all of them at once. I might have been friends with Ryder but work always came first and gave me a reason not to get involved more than meeting some of the guys for a beer now and again.

In the last three weeks since I met Sarah, it’s become clear to me how much her family means to her. Which is why my palms are sweating and my heart is pounding in my chest.

I want everyone to like me and to think I’m good enough for Sarah, even though I know I’m not. No one is good enough for her, but it’s not going to stop me from loving her for the rest of my life.

We’ve continued to dance around saying those words, but I know she feels the same way about me that I feel about her. I can see it when she looks at me or the way she’ll reach for me, needing to touch me. She’s come out of her shell so much since meeting me and I’m proud of my woman.

“Are you nervous?” My woman’s sweet voice pulls me out of my spiral of worry as I glance over at her to find her looking at me with a curious expression on her face.

“Pfft. I’m not nervous,” I insist.

“Liar,” she calls me out without hesitation, and I bark out a laugh.

Once I get myself under control, I reach over and give her thigh a squeeze. “It’s only because I know how much they mean to you.”
