Page 16 of Popping Her Hood

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“They’re your family too now,” she tells me gently and it has my chest tightening. “Because you treat me right and are the man that I’m supposed to be with makes you family to them.” She leans back in her seat, her hand coming up to cover my hand which I flip over to lace our fingers together. Our hands fit together like two puzzle pieces, just like our lives, just like our souls. “Which means they’ll give you shit, just prepare yourself.”

I let out a snort and I’m not sure if it’s because of what she said or her cursing. I’ve noticed she doesn’t do it often which means I find it hilarious when she does. She giggles softly and I find I’m more relaxed than I was.

I’m still nervous when we pull onto the land that SO owns, but now it’s the anticipation of meeting people and seeing what the night has in store. She sounded so confident while reassuring me. If she’s sure, I can be too.

Why wouldn’t I be? This woman is it for me and now it’s time to show her family what we mean to each other. I don’t think anyone will be judgmental, that’s not the kind of people they are. Not the ones I’ve met, and I don’t think it would be tolerated anyway.

When we park, I’m quick to get around to my woman’s side to stop her from opening her door without me. She has this habit of forgetting I’m here to take care of her. This time she’s sitting there with her hands clasped on her lap and amusement dancing in her eyes when I open the door.

“You’re learning,” I tease her and wink.

She shakes her head and sticks her tongue out at me. “I just don’t want to make you look bad in front of everyone. At least not this time. First impressions and all that,” she adds breezily.

I help her out of the truck and then pin her to my chest before I slam my mouth down onto hers and kiss her, pouring everything I feel for her into it.

“Ah-hem,” the clearing of the throat sounds masculine, but the giggle which accompanies it is all woman.

I pull back from Sarah slowly before we turn to find two people I’ve never met before standing there. The young woman looks to be a little younger than my Sarah and has a big grin on her face. The guy has a look about him which screams military, whether former or active duty; he’s looking at me with a little more concern.

“Sarah,” the woman greets and pulls my woman out of my arms to give her a hug. She wiggles her eyebrows while looking at my little beauty before nodding in my direction. “Introduce us to your man. Start him out with baby steps.”

Sarah giggles and nods, “Yeah because it’s your dad he’s going to have to really worry about.” Her comment has me narrowing my eyes at the two women as the guy chuckles and gives me a look of pity. My woman grins up at me. “Theo, this is Charlotte and her man, Jett. They were pen pals while Jett was in the military and when he got out, he came here to find her.”

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline as Jett pulls Charlotte back into his arms. I can’t keep the disbelief out of my voice, “Really?”

“When you know, you know,” Jett supplies with a shrug and I can’t disagree with him.

“Oh,” Sarah adds, “and her dad is Blake Higgins.”

I feel the blood drain from my face slightly because I’ve met Blake before, but that was a completely different context. I wasn’t with Sarah then. And he’s a huge guy…with military training.

Jett slaps me on the back and laughs. “I see you’re sufficiently scared. He considers Sarah to be like a daughter, but if your intentions are true then you’ll be fine. He’s a good man.”

I look at Sarah to find her smiling at me and it eases the panic that was starting to grow inside of me. I hook an arm around her shoulders and tuck her into my side before I kiss her temple. Charlotte’s smile grows wider, and Jett gives me a look of approval.

I guess I have two more people on my side. I’ll take it and keep racking them up.

We walk with Charlotte and Jett past a few houses until we get to a large field set up to look like a fair even though I know it’s only for the family. There are huge tents, a food truck, some bouncy houses, a small ride, and some games.

“Woah,” I say in awe. “What’s this for again?”

Charlotte is the one to answer me. “Our family doesn’t need a reason to do something like this, especially during the summer when the kids don’t have school and the weather is good. From the way I’ve heard it, the tattoo shop crew had gatherings long before they started settling down. It’s just grown since then.”

As people notice our arrival, it’s a whirlwind of names, handshakes, and hugs from the other ladies of the family. I look toward the men to make sure no one’s jealous when one of the women hugs me, not wanting to step on any toes. I don’t see any and it seems like this family is simply affectionate. It’s nice.

More than nice really.

The longer I’m around these people, the more relaxed I feel.

A large hand clamps onto my shoulder from behind and I turn to find Blake looking down at me with a neutral expression on his face.

“So,” he rumbles, “Theo. You’re with our Sarah. Is that right?”

I don’t let go of Sarah as I turn us, keeping her tucked into my side, not because I need her strength, but because I can’t let her go. Not now. Not ever.

“I am. She’s mine,” my holds a finality to it.

Blake arches an eyebrow, but it’s the only indication he’s heard me. A woman I met a few moments ago, Amelia, smacks Blake on his chest before huffing and slamming her hands down on her hips. I almost laugh at the sheepish smile Blake shoots her.
