Page 20 of Popping Her Hood

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Then we’re freefalling into the future we could only have had by finding each other. Destiny stepping in at the right time and giving us everything we’ll need.

“Love you, my little beauty,” he groans as my pussy clamps down on him and he fills me with his seed.

One day we’ll let it take root. One day we’ll have a family that is only ours.

As Theo collapses over me, I welcome his weight and wrap myself around him like a vine. Because with him I reach toward the sun.

With him I grow.



It’s been a month since we premiered our relationship with my woman’s family, and I’ve never been happier. Every day with Sarah gets better and better. It’s all because of her and her sweetness. She’s everything to me and the way she supports me takes my breath away.

She never gets mad when I lose track of time at the shop and get home late. She just greets me with a smile and asks me about my day. It’s not some fake routine either. Everything about my woman is genuine.

Today my woman is turning 25 and I’ve been working with some of our family, because I’ve been indoctrinated fully now, to help surprise her.

It’s been difficult as hell to keep what I’ve been working on under wraps. I’m pretty sure she’s suspicious because we’ve been staying at her place for the last week. She knows I prefer to have her at my place, but she hasn’t fought me about being at hers.

At least she didn’t until three days ago when she stopped in the shop to surprise me. I was doing some paperwork in the office, which I usually avoid, but was glad my hands weren’t dirty so I could touch her. I was so damn happy to see her that I didn’t notice her suspicion at first. When I wrapped my arms around her, she melted into me like she always does.

When I went to kiss her, she pulled away from me and I narrowed my eyes at her. “That’s no way to greet your man, my little beauty,” I admonished her.

She flashed me a coy smile and shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. It was. “I just wanted to stop by and find out if I needed to grab anything for dinner tonight. I figured we’d be back at your place, and I don’t know what you have there right now.”

I swallowed hard, knowing full well people were in my house to get my surprise ready for her and I didn’t want her to see any of it. Not yet.

“I figured we’d be at your place again,” I deflected, my voice not betraying the nervousness that she was on to me or that someone let my secret slip.

Sarah’s eyes, normally so trusting and open, took on a wariness I didn’t like at all. Before she could step away from me, I gripped her tight and kissed her hard. By the time we pulled apart, we were both breathing heavily with lust swirling around us.

That’s the moment Fran walked into my office and let out a squeak, “Oh, I didn’t realize you had someone in here.”

Fran’s my receptionist and around Sarah’s age. She was taking some vacation time when Sarah and I first got together. I’ve been keeping my eye on Fran because the first time Sarah met her the reception was chilly. I’m not going to allow my woman to feel uncomfortable in my shop.

Hell fucking no.

But Fran hasn’t done anything to warrant me firing her. Not yet at least.

Fran waved the papers in her hands, “I just have some more invoices for you to sign off on.”

She placed them on my desk and walked out without saying anything to Sarah. The whole thing had me on edge and I couldn’t put my finger on why. I pushed it out of my mind when my woman kissed the underside of my jaw.

“I’ll see you at my place then,” she said the words, but they sounded a little hollow.

I could only hope my surprise would show her just what she means to me and dispel all her suspicions about what has been going on this week. I hated keeping anything from her, but it was the only way I could make it a real surprise.

I walked her out to my truck, which is what she’s been driving around in since I told her it wouldn’t make sense for her to fix her old car. I’m still planning on getting her something new and she’s talked about checking out something for herself. Whenever she brings it up, I kiss her and then eat her pussy until she forgets to even consider it.

I’m going to be the one to take care of my woman, but right now I like her in my truck. Before winter comes around, I’ll get her something.

Right now, I’m driving my Camaro over to the tattoo shop where Sarah has been watching the kiddos. I tried to get her to take off on her birthday, but she wasn’t hearing it. When I pull up and stride into Banks Ink., I’m not surprised to find Andrea and Amelia sitting there with big smiles on their faces.

Amelia barely lets the door close behind me before she hustles my way, her voice low, “We’re still good to invade your house tonight to celebrate Sarah’s birthday?”

“Of course. I want her to see her surprise first, but I know she wants to celebrate with you all,” I assure her.
