Page 21 of Popping Her Hood

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Do I want my woman alone? Yes, always, but I know how much her family means to her.

Andrea laughs, “I hope you have enough room. This brood is ridiculous.”

I chuckle and shake my head, giving both women hugs before I move through the shop, waving at everyone working, and make my way back to the playroom. I know Amelia’s right behind me so she can take over for Sarah.

I don’t wait when I walk into the playroom, I stride right to my woman, pick her up, and throw her over my shoulder. She lets out a shriek of surprise that is fucking adorable.

“What are you doing, Theo?”

“I’m taking my little beauty to see her birthday surprise,” I tell her and smack her ass before heading back the way I came.

“I can’t just leave,” she insists, her hands pressing against my back.

“Yes, you can,” Amelia calls out and I don’t have to turn around to hear the laughter in her voice.

Sarah lets out a huff and everyone in the tattoo shop hoots and hollers as I walk back through and then out the front door. When I tip her back over my shoulder and plop her down into the front seat of the Camaro, her eyes go wide as she sinks back into the buttery leather.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she admonishes me, but it’s hard to take her seriously when she’s not even looking at me. “This is beautiful,” she breathes out, her fingers running over her seat.

I smirk at her. “Birthday girls get all the perks.”

Her eyes go wide as she fights the smile on her face. She told me that she’s made sure no one went overboard for her birthday before, but she’s coming into herself now and she deserves to be celebrated. She doesn’t shy away from a moment in the spotlight here and there. What better day than her own personal holiday?

After I get her situated and I slide behind the wheel, I start to get nervous on the drive to my place. I hope she’ll like my surprise. It’s all for her, but I admit that it’s a little bit for me as well.

All to make her feel comfortable in the space I want to be her home too. Not just mine. Hers. Ours.

We moved pretty fast at first and even though everything was screaming at me to keep going at the same speed, I didn’t want to rush her. It’s the only reason I’ve waited to ask her to move in with me.

I can’t hold off any longer. The fact that her things aren’t mixed in with mine has been fucking with me. I don’t like it at all.

After she’s moved in and settled, the next battle I’ll wage is getting my ring on her finger and my last name behind hers. I can’t wait for her to be my wife, but I’ll go slow. For her. Always for her.

When we pull up in front of my house, Sarah turns to me with a surprised look on her face. “I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be coming back here,” there’s a teasing note in her voice, but I hear the sincerity underneath it.

I grip her chin between my thumb and forefinger and look deep into her honey-colored eyes. “The only reason we haven’t been staying here for the last week is because I have a surprise for you. A gift. I didn’t want to ruin it.” I kiss her cheeks and then her lips softly. “It’s not like you were at your place alone. You know I can’t sleep without you anymore. I need your body curled up with mine. I needyou.”

“I need you too,” she whispers and kisses me again.

As much as I want to get lost in kissing her, I pull away. The way she scrunches up her nose is adorable, and I can’t help but grin at her. When I’m out of the car, my nerves come back full force. I hope this tells her everything she means to me. I hope I’ve done the right thing.

When I lead her inside, I don’t stop until we’re standing outside of a spare room on the bottom level I was using as storage. Sarah looks up at me curiously as I try and get my racing heart to calm down.

She’s going to love it.

“How big is my gift?” She reaches over and grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze when I don’t smile at her joke. “You know you didn’t have to get me anything, Theo. I’m happy with what I have. I don’t need things to be happy. I just need my family and you.”

I blow out a breath and just like that all my nervous energy disappears. My woman would be happy just spending time with me and her family for her birthday. The thing is, she deserves more than that. She deserves everything.

I take her hand and place it on the doorknob before I move into place behind her, my front pressing into her back. I’d love to see her face, but I want her to be able to see everything the moment she opens the door.

“This room is your present, Sarah.” I gently prod her, “Open it.”

There’s wonder filling her voice as she muses, “The whole room?”

When she opens the door, she lets out a loud gasp at what she finds on the other side. I worked with the women in the family to put together the ultimate sewing room for my woman. She loves making quilts and does it for every member of the family, including the babies. By doing so, she gives them a piece of her, of her love and caring, of her comfort and understanding.

I know making quilts for more than just the family is one of her dreams because she told me late one night in the dark, where she probably thought it would stay. It’s a dream she never really thought could happen, but I want to pull it out into the light and help her to make it come true.
