Page 23 of Popping Her Hood

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Well, only one part of that is right. I only said two words to her, and they certainly weren’t a greeting. When Fran’s frantic eyes find mine, she gives me a pleading look which is kind of hilarious given the situation.

Theo’s voice takes on a dangerous quality I’ve never heard from my man before. “I heard everything. I don’t know why you thought talking to my fiancé,” my eyes widen at that because, huh?, but he doesn’t stumble over the word, “like that was a good idea, but let me make this clear to you—you fucked up Fran. You’re done here.”

“You can’t fire me because I told her the truth,” she huffs. Then it’s as if the rest of his words land and she sputters, “Wha-what do you mean fiancé?”

Theo grins, but it’s not a nice smile, it’s sinister and promises retribution. “You heard me.”

“You can’t do this,” Fran tries to argue, but it’s clear to me and her that her pleas are falling on deaf ears when it comes to my man. His face is a stoic mask. “No,” she protests, “I’ve been waiting for you to notice me, but you always had your head buried under the hood of one of your cars. Then she,” she waves her hand in my direction, “comes into the picture and all of a sudden you care about something other than your stupid garage.”

I scoff and her wild eyes swing my way. “If you think this garage is stupid, then you were never going to be the woman for him. It’s a legacy. It’s something to be proud of.” I look her up and down, letting her see how much disdain I hold for her. “You’re delusional and I believe you’ve been let go. It’s time to scurry away like the rat you are.”

She screeches and stomps her foot. When she tries to take a step toward me, Theo steps in front of me and I have no doubt he’s looking at her in warning. She shrinks back into herself and mutters threats about suing and who knows what else.

It’s only when the front door of the shop swings closed that Theo turns around and pulls me into his chest. “Are you okay?” His concern is like a living thing, it pulses around us and wraps around me. When I don’t answer right away, his voice takes on a frantic quality, “My little beauty, are you okay?”

I prop my chin on his chest and look up at him. “I’m fine. Her words didn’t bother me. I know what we have and who we are to each other.” I bite my lip and my eyebrows pull together. “At least, I thought I knew, but now I’m not so sure.”

Theo gives me a sheepish smile before he scoops me up in his arms and strides down the hallway and into his office. When he sets me down, he starts to pace. When he glances at me, he looks a little torn. “You caught that, huh?”

My eyebrows shoot up and I give him a look that screams ‘duh’. He chuckles and I cross my arms across my chest. “Yeah,” I sass him, “I caught it.”

I’m not sure what I’m expecting his reaction to be, but the one I get I couldn’t have prepared for in a million years. Theo steps right up to me and then he’s down on one knee in front of me. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

He pulls a small box out of the pocket of his coveralls and grins up at me, his eyes daring me to try and dispute what is happening in front of me right now.

“I hadn’t planned to ask quite like this. I was going to do it tonight, in front of our family, where the girls could fawn over you and the guys could congratulate you and threaten me in the same breath.” I bark out a laugh because I have no doubt that is exactly what would have happened if he had proposed in front of everyone. “I can’t wait, though.”

“Theo,” I breathe out as he pops open the box and everything disappears other than the man in front of me and the future he’s offering while down on one knee.

“My Sarah,” he speaks gently, “I love you with everything I am. You defend me when you don’t have to. You see value in the dream surrounding us right now. You give me life and make me a better person just because I get to walk next to you. Will you please marry me and give me a lifetime of your grace and your love?”

I blink back tears, nodding before I even realize I’m doing it. “Yes,” I shout, and I have no doubt that it’s loud enough for the guys working to hear. But I don’t care.

The only thing that matters, the man in front of me, stands up quickly and slides a ring on my finger. I barely look at it, not because it’s not beautiful—because it is—but because it could be plastic, and I would still say yes. I’ll always say yes to him.

Theo pulls me to his chest and kisses me, his tongue slipping past my lips and tangling with my own. We kiss without a care of being caught. We kiss like it’s our first. We kiss like it’s our last.

When he pulls away, he presses his forehead against mine and smiles at me. “Good,” his voice is deep and gruff, “because tomorrow, fiancé, we’re going to the dealership and you’re picking out a nice sized family vehicle. Which I’m paying for.”

“What?” I rear back from him and try and argue, “I am doing no such thing. If I go and pick up a car, you’re not paying for it. And why a family vehicle?”

Theo chuckles and pulls me back the few steps I had placed between us during my tirade. “You’re going to let me do this for you because I’m your future husband and you wouldn’t want to take away a chance for me to take care of you.” He pulls me closer to the door and locks it before dragging me over to his desk. His desk that we’ve never had sex on before. “And a family vehicle because as soon as you give me the green light, I’m putting a baby in your belly. Might as well get prepared now.”

I stare up at him and it’s only when he starts to unbutton and unzip my jeans that I snap out of the haze his words have put me in. “I might agree about the family thing, Theo, but I’m still going to pay for my own car.”

“No,” is all he says before he spins me and bends me over his desk.

He crouches down behind me, pulling my jeans and panties down to my knees. The way his breath skates over my skin has me shivering and reaching for the edge of his desk.

“Theo,” I whine, and I don’t know if it’s in anticipation of what he’s about to do or because of his wild notion about buying me a car. The moment he swipes his tongue through my wet pussy lips, it no longer matters which.

When he sucks my clit into his mouth, I’m embarrassingly close to coming. I just need a little more and I’ll be flying over the edge. My fiancé must know this because he stands up and I hear the rustle of fabric behind me.

One of his strong hands grips my hip just as I feel the crown of his cock at my entrance. He grunts, “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, wife. Then when I get you home, I’ll take my time before we go to the party.”

I look at him over my shoulder, taking in the primal way his chest is heaving and the intense focus of his gaze. “I’m not your wife, Theo.”

“Not yet, but you are mine,” he snarls right before he fills me with one powerful thrust.
