Page 22 of Popping Her Hood

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I give my woman a gentle push to get her to step inside as she frantically starts to look around. She has a sewing machine, but I got her an upgrade. Well, a few upgrades. Along with a big table that will be perfect for her to cut fabric at. I also have a lot of storage set up for her, a chair she’ll be comfortable sitting in and even a cozy lounging area.

Sarah spins around and looks up at me, tears rolling down her cheeks and her eyes as big as dinner plates. “You,” she swallows hard when her voice breaks, “you did this for me?”

I reach up and brush the tears away. “I did. Because I want you to have a special room, one where you can make your dreams come true. I want you to have everything you’ve ever wanted. If that means continuing to watch the kids, then that’s fine. But I also think you need time for you. To follow your passions. That’s what this room is for.”

“But,” her eyebrows pull together, and she stops herself and shakes her head.

I smile, knowing what she’s thinking without her needing to say it. “You were going to say you don’t live here. Right?”

She nods and croaks, “Yeah. I love,” she puts a shit ton of emphasis on the word, “it, though. It’s perfect.”

“Move in with me. Make this place our home because it won’t be until you’re here with me.”

Sarah’s jaw drops before it closes and a slow smile spreads across her lips. “Really?” All I can do is nod, my heart in my throat while waiting for her answer. “Yes,” she shouts and launches herself at me.

I catch her easily and spin around with her in my arms, both of us laughing with our hearts and eyes pointed toward the future. When I put her back on her feet, our mouths connect, and we’re lost in each other.

She said yes. She’s moving in.

I’ll have to wait a little while for the next step, but it’ll be worth it because I’m going to ensure the only answer she can give me is yes.



It’s been a little over two months since I turned 25 and moved in with my man. I’m blissful. Is that a state of being? It should be and I wish more people could experience it with me.

I thought I was fine before. I mean, Iwasfine. I was content and I couldn’t really complain about anything. Now, though, I know I was coasting in my life more than anything else. I wasn’t truly happy. I had good experiences, but that didn’t speak to the overall feeling of joy and contentment I could have in my life.

Now I know. All because of Theo.

As I walk into his shop, ready to pick him up so we can head home and get ready for the family’s Halloween party tonight, the first person I see is Fran and I wish I could groan at the sight.

The woman doesn’t like me, and the feeling is most definitely mutual. I’d say she hates me, and I have a pretty good idea as to why.

It’s not like we couldn’t get along. It’s that she wants my man and she’s pissed because he never looked up from his work to notice her. Then she went off on vacation and came back to me ensconced in his life.

I’m sure as hell not going to apologize for it. Why would I?

I don’t particularly like confrontation, but I channel a little of Andrea’s attitude when I find myself around Fran. It’s one of the reasons I don’t come by often to see my man.

I trust him around her. It’s never even crossed my mind that he would cheat on me. Why would I think it’s a possibility when it’s clear he’s devoted to me?

He makes sure I know how much he loves me every minute we spend together. Hell, the man put a sewing room in his house just for me.

When Fran sees me, she doesn’t try to hide her contempt as her lip curls up into a sneer. Months ago, before I met Theo, I’d probably run the other way if someone looked at me the way she is now. Today, I’m stronger and I’m not going anywhere.

I roll my eyes and start toward Theo’s office without a word to Fran. I don’t need to waste my time with her. She’s nothing other than a person who works for him. He values his employees, and he considers some of the guys in the garage to be his friends, but that’s as far as it goes.

“You know it’s not going to last, don’t you?” Fran’s voice stops me, and I start to turn toward her slowly, surprised she has the balls to say anything and that’s what she decided to go with. When I look at her and don’t comment, she, clearly, feels emboldened to keep going. “He’s not the kind of guy who will be happy with just one woman, especially not a woman like you.”

My voice is cold and detached, “Like me?”

She waves her hand toward me, her gaze scrutinizing as if she knows anything about me. “Yeah,” she huffs like it should be obvious to me, “mousy and kind of boring. Like you.”

“You’re fired,” booms from the hallway that leads to Theo’s office. I’m not the only one who freezes at the raw violence contained in two words. Fran looks like she’s not breathing as Theo storms into the reception area. If he could breathe fire, he would be. “Did you not hear me or are you just stupid?” He’s seething. “You’re fired. Get out.”

Fran’s eyes widen and she immediately starts to backpedal, her voice taking on a simpering quality which is really unbecoming, “I was just saying hello to Sarah, but she didn’t even acknowledge me.”
