Page 101 of Bragg's Love

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“I don’t understand why you’re upset.”

At his words, I see red. Literally. I blink and everywhere I look is coated in red.

“You don’t understand?”

He holds up his hands. “Calm down. Calm down.”

“You want me to calm down?”

“Fuck. I’m an idiot.”

“Finally.” I throw my arms in the air. “Something we can agree on.”

“I thought you understood why I need to expand the brewery.”

“We talked about this. You said you understood you didn’t need to prove anything to your dad.”

He nods. “True, but I never said I was giving up on the expansion.”

I slap my head. Nope. His words still don’t make any sense.

“Why are you continuing with the expansion if you know you don’t need to prove anything to your dad?”

He frowns. “I spent a lot of time and money and effort on planning this expansion.”

“Well, that makes it all okay then.” I lean close. “In case you’re confused, I’m being sarcastic.”

“The brewery is going to pay you compensation for any damages you incur as a result of the expansion.”

“We made the agreement about compensation before.”

Before he convinced me to give him a chance. Before he told me he loved me. Before I fell in love with him. Scratch that. I did not fall in love with him. You can’t love someone if you don’t truly know them. And obviously, I don’t know Miller.

When he remains silent, I hiss at him, “You knew.”

“Knew what?”

I poke him in the chest. He tries to capture my hand but I bat him away. “You knew I thought you had given up on the brewery expansion.”

He winces and glances away. His guilt couldn’t be more obvious if he had a sign with the word ‘guilty’ flashing in bright pink neon colors over his head.

“And yet you convinced me to give a relationship a chance. You knew how difficult it was for me. You knew. And yet you did it anyway.”

“Because I love you.”

Words that filled my heart with joy mere hours ago now feel like the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.

“How can you love me when you’re lying to me?” I drop my hand and step away. “I can’t believe you did this. After all the secrets I shared with you. Things I’ve never shared with anyone before.”

I grasp the door handle.

“Don’t go,” he pleads.

“In case there’s any doubt in your mind, we’re through.”

“Stay. Let’s talk this out.”

“What’s there to discuss?”
