Page 32 of Bragg's Love

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“What are you doing?” Eden asks.

There goes any chance I had to drop the letter in her mailbox with her being none the wiser. I hand her the letter. “This was accidentally delivered to the brewery.”

She sniffs. “Why does it smell of beer?” She inhales deeper. “Did you roll in a tank of beer?”

I cross my arms over my chest and grunt.

Her gaze drops to my biceps and I’m tempted to flex them to give her a show. What am I thinking? She hates me. She’s doing everything in her power to stop the expansion of the brewery.

Because she’s on the verge of losing her home. She’s not being stubborn or bitchy. She’s in trouble.

“How are you doing?”

She rears back. “How am I doing?”

“It’s not a trick question. I’m merely inquiring on how things, in general, are going.”

She narrows her eyes. “Why do you care?”

Because you’re going to be homeless and I don’t want you living on the streets. I want you safe and secure in my bed where you belong. Shit. I nearly stumble as the realization hits me.

I want Eden. Relief flows through me at finally admitting what I’ve known for a while now. I want the woman who forgets to wear shoes, has pink streaks in her hair, and who wouldn’t know a high heel if I hit her with one. How did this happen?

“You’re my neighbor. Aren’t I supposed to love my neighbor?”

She snorts. “Since when do you care about loving your neighbor?”

Since reading your mail this morning. No, I’m lying. Since the first time I caught her running around her field without her shoes on. The look on her face was pure joy and I wanted to capture her joy and hold it in my hand.

“I care.”

Her eyes narrow. “Are you punking me?” She glances behind me. “Is there a camera somewhere? Elder! Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

“Elder is not filming our interaction.”

She throws her arms in the air. “Then, what’s happening? Did you hit your head? Do I need to phone an ambulance?”

“I didn’t hit my fucking head.”

She smiles. “Ah, there he is, Mr. Grumpykins.”

I step closer to her until we’re nearly touching. I’m tempted to shift forward until her breasts are straining against my chest but I grit my teeth and hold my ground. I will not touch her without her express permission. Although, guessing by the heat flaring in her eyes, her permission wouldn’t be hard to gain.

“I am not grumpy,” I grumble.

She pats my chest. “Thanks for proving my point, grumpy pants.”

She steps back and whirls around before flouncing away. I watch her ass as it bounces with her stride. I groan. I want her ass in my hands while I pound into her. And I’ll have it.

Game on, Eden. Game on.

Chapter 11

Ambush has such a bad reputation. Is surprising a friend such a bad thing? ~ Text from Moon to Eden

“We’re here!” Soleil announces as she walks into my house with Moon, Harmony, and Ashlyn following her.

I unwind from child’s pose and stand to confront them.
