Page 98 of Bragg's Love

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“He paid for the permit to start building today.”

“Today?” I feign cleaning out my ear. “I must have heard you wrong. You didn’t say today?”

She grimaces. “I’m afraid I did.”

“Miller came in and paid it himself,” Sage adds.

I don’t question Sage. The queen of the gossip gals does not make mistakes when it comes to rumors. Plus, she works at the police station, which is situated in the courthouse.

My stomach clenches, my legs wobble, and I nearly collapse. I cannot believe this. Miller claimed he loved me on Saturday night but all this time he’s been going behind my back and continuing with the expansion. He told me he understands he’s got nothing to prove by expanding the business. I distinctly remember him saying the words.

Dirty, rotten liar. And a typical man. They’ll say anything you want to hear to get you to drop your panties.

“Maybe I misunderstood,” Lilac offers.

I wish I could grasp onto the lifeline she’s throwing me but I can’t. Lilac doesn’t misunderstand anything.

My heart clenches in my chest but I ignore it. I will not have my heart broken by a man who used me to get what he wanted. I refuse!

Such a dick. He had to go full court press and lie about loving me? He didn’t mess with my mind enough as it is? Grumpy asshole.

I slam my wine glass on the table. Hold on. I’m not wasting good wine. I pick up the glass and finish the rest of the wine in one, long gulp. Sufficiently fortified, I stomp to the entrance and fling the door open.

“I need to rework the betting sheet,” Sage mutters as the door shuts behind me.

She can rework whatever she wants. It doesn’t matter. I am done with Miller. D. O. N. E. Done. Just as soon as I find him and give him a piece of my mind.

Chapter 30

If you take the "L" out of LOVER. It spells OVER ~ Text from Eden to Miller

Ifling the door ofNaked Falls Brewingopen. When it bangs against the wall, everyone in the restaurant glances over to see what the commotion is. Everyone except Miller. I scan the room but I don’t see his grumpy jerk asshole self anywhere.

I march to the hostess station where Elder is standing with his eyes bugging open.

“Where is he?”

“Crap. What did he do?”

“It’s bad,” Moon answers from behind me, and I whirl around to find everyone from smutty book club crowding the entrance.

“You just couldn’t help yourselves, could you?”

Knowing this group – which includes the gossip gals – they made bets on what’s going to happen between me and Miller tonight. Too bad for them I don’t plan on giving them a show.

Harmony waves. “I told them not to follow you.”

“Harmony,” Elder greets with a whole bunch more warmth than he had for me. “I thought you were busy tonight.”

If I weren’t in the middle of a colossal meltdown, I’d find their situation fun. Lucky for Harmony, I am in the middle of the biggest meltdown in the history of Winter Falls.

She rolls her eyes. “Obviously, I am.”

And I’m done. No more delaying. “Where. Is. He?”

Elder frowns. “Where’s who?”

My nostrils flare as a glare at him. “Do you enjoy your nipples attached to your chest?”
