Page 37 of Brave

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“He let me touch them.” Trying not to squirm because Austin had started to give me his dirty grin, I took a quick sip to help get my brain going. “He liked my touch and he…and he got turned on. I had a good time too.”

I wasn’t sure I could explain any more than that without blushing, but Austin’s giggles said he understood what I’d meant. “I bet he liked your touch.”

And I was blushing.


Well, at least he wasn’t as worried any longer?

“Then what?” He hadn’t waited long to pounce again.

There were some tiny fears lurking in the back of his head that I needed to fix, so I took another sip and tried again. “I was…I’m not sure what I was feeling after that part, but I hadn’t really been my most grown-up, and I just got even littler when we started cuddling. I…I don’t think he minded?”

Now my nerves were starting to stir, so maybe I’d settled on worrying?

“That you were turned on and little?” Austin always said the most grown-up things in the calmest tone. “No, nothing in his face said he minded. He was very focused on you.”

That was good, right?

“I…” Before I could figure out what to say next, his brain distracted him and he jumped topics.

“I found some blog posts about other littles.” He waved his hands around dramatically, barely managing not to send his cup flying. “Don’t worry. I’ll send you the links. They’re buried and so hard to find it’s insane. Silas is brilliant.”

He got that smiley, faraway look as he thought about his Dom but he didn’t stay distracted long. In seconds, he was sitting taller and looking very in charge. “But yes, other littles get erections when they’re in that headspace and it’s perfectly normal. You’re a real adult. This isn’t like you got zapped by a ray gun and now you’re a kid again. We have to remember that.”

Oh goodness.

How did he talk about that without at least squirming?

“I…” What was I supposed to say to that? Ray guns? “Thank you for researching that.”

Well, he smiled, so it must been a reasonable response.

“You’re welcome.” He reached over and squeezed my hand. “You’re very important to me and it doesn’t matter if it’s a job problem or questions about erections, I want to help.”

I hadn’t started asking questions about erections…but the sentiment was nice?

“You’re very helpful.” And once I started thinking about it, I appreciated his research…especially since I hadn’t needed to figure out how to ask him about it. “I’m glad other littles do that too.”

Most of the other littles in the playroom weren’t as shy as I was, but we weren’t erection conversation friends. Austin was really my only interesting friend who I could talk to about anything or who’d ask me about anything, so I probably shouldn’t point out that he’d kind of been bossy…and nosy.

“And I would tell you if I’d seen anything questionable on Ansel’s face. He was maybe a tiny bit nervous but nothing that looked like regret, and he gave you the cutest smile.” Austin nearly melted as he smiled and reached for his coffee again. “You both looked perfect together.”

That was definitely a good thing.

And Daddy was a new Daddy, so him being nervous was to be expected.


Taking a breath, I focused on Austin’s happy, romantic expression. “He made me feel good…not just like you might think but regular good. He…he cuddled me after we…after I kissed him and then he took care of me and we played.”

Austin’s dirty giggle said he’d filled in the blanks in some of the vague parts. “He seems to like taking care of you and I bet he loved your kisses.”

I was blushing again but I managed not to squirm. “He said…he said he did.”

And he’d been hard.

That had to mean good things too.
