Page 63 of Three's A Crown

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He lets go of my hand and gives me his full attention.

“I need you to know that just because I have a ring on my finger from the prince doesn’t mean he’s not yours.”

Greyson’s eyes widen and his brows raise high on his forehead.

“I’m the actor that will be wheeled out for the events. Augustine will never be mine.”

“You might need to talk to Auggie about that as he might have other plans,” Greyson adds.

This surprises me.

“Come, we should get going, he is going to be very upset that we are running late. Auggie likes punctuality,” Greyson warns me as he holds out his arm for me again.

I take it, and we get a couple of steps forward and then I open my mouth again. “Do you regret what happened last night?”

This time it’s Greyson who stops as he pulls me with him. “I can assure you I do not regret having my tongue between your thighs.”

I swallow at his filthy words as my body ignites with electricity. Greyson reaches out and pushes a stray strand of hair back over my shoulder.

“Do you?” he asks.

I shake my head. “It was hot, and something I asked the prince if we might do again,” I confess, biting my bottom lip.

Greyson’s eyes dip to my lip before looking back up into my eyes. “You did?”

I nod. “Maybe it was a one-night thing. Something magical happened in the garden last night, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”

“You haven’t?” Greyson asks as his eyes dip down to my lips again.

I shake my head. “I told Augustine that too.”

“Was that when his fingers where inside you?” he asks.

Oh. He knows about that. Of course, he would they are lovers, the prince would have told him, he’s not a cheater.

“Yes,” I answer, swallowing hard as the electricity in the air begins to whip around us.

“Did it make you come?”

Hmm, how do I answer that because technically I haven’t because Augustine told me I couldn’t.

“I wanted to so badly, but your man told me I couldn’t.”

Greyson bursts out laughing. “You have no idea how much of a sadist Auggie is. He loves working you up until you’re unable to breathe, and then he leaves you there, on the precipice. And all you can think about is when he’s going to push you over the edge because your skin feels like it’s on fire. And I bet your pussy is throbbing and aching as you walk, you can feel every tingle of it against your skin.

“Yes,” I gasp.

“That’s Auggie for you. Now, we better get going because if we are any later, he may not let you come at all tonight.”

My eyes widen at his comment, no, he wouldn’t leave me in this state.

“You might be able to help me if he does.”

“Rosalie,” Greyson says my name with a warning. “You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea,” I tell him as he shakes his head and grabs my hand and walks me out into the gardens.

