Page 52 of The Spy

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To make matters worse, you haven't told Gabe.

Bloody hell.

No Gabe.

No Saff.

No anyone.

I was on my own. And luckily, Rook had his hands full and hadn’t looked into my connection with the ‘asset’ I’d asked him to trace. Otherwise, he would have told Saff about it.

No. I could solve this alone. Besides, knowing Kira, she'd probably brought this on herself.

My stomach churned.

Fuck. That was another mission. I couldn't just jog off to kill Tom, or Steve, or whoever the fuck my sister was with, but I had to do something.

You are going to need some kind of help. You can't do both. Trying to do both is going to get someone hurt.

I added a spritz of perfume, doing my best to look fully in character. Tonight was important. Tonight was our first date. Jennings Tate needed to believe everything I was putting on the table.

With my coat clutched in my hand, I went and met him downstairs. I waved goodbye at the doorman, who was one of our junior agents, and then walked through the glass door. When he saw me, his gaze stroked over me appreciatively. "A beautiful woman should always be celebrated." His grin was wide, showing a flash of teeth. "Jesus Christ, you look gorgeous."

"And you flatter me. But thank you."

"I will always flatter you. Now, let's go. This restaurant is one of my favorites."

He opened the door for me, and I swung my feet into the sleek black Bentley, forcing myself to take a deep breath as he went around the other side and slid in next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I frowned as I saw someone familiar. Tall, lean, a South Asian man with a trimmed beard. Where did I know him from?

As the car pulled away from the curb, I realized where I recognized him from. Jennings Tate's goon squad. He was in the house when I went to authenticate the pieces. What the fuck was he doing at my flat? Especially now that I wasn't there?


I needed to warn the team.

I knew the junior agent at the front door likely had it under control, but I was worried. Had I fucked up and left the door between mine and Gabe’s flats open? Had I slipped anywhere? If Jennings’s man was going up to my flat, I needed it to be perfect.

Lucky for me, Jennings was in a chatty mood, so there wasn’t much I had to do on the conversational end. He’d apparently been in Bulgaria. The man he’d met for business had a beautiful art collection.

I made it a point to ooh and ahh at the appropriate points, all the while waiting for the agent at the restaurant to hand me off a cloning device. But we’d been seated for thirty minutes and already enjoyed an appetizer and still nothing.

I excused myself to head to the loo. If there wasn’t going to be a hand-off I needed to know that. What the hell was going on? Why hadn’t Gabe told me he was calling off the junior agents?

A door in the hallway to the loo opened, and I was summarily shoved inside. I had my knives out of their sheaths in seconds. One was on his throat, the other at his groin, and Gabe put his hands up. "Easy does it, Tabatha. You don't want to get blood on that pretty dress."

"Fuck you. Don't try me."

"How was I supposed to know you were going to bring your knives out on me?"

"My specialty is knives. If you want to keep these where they are, you would do well to play nice with me."

I deliberately tapped the tip of one sharp point against his nuts, and he groaned. "Careful now, I might like it."

I lifted a brow and eased back several inches, sheathing my knives. "Okay, where are we? Where the hell is my cloning device? Were we able to get anything off the bugs in Tate’s place?”

He shook his head. "Nothing in the art room. He did make some calls in the living room, but those were family calls. One to his father, and he mentioned you, told him that he'd met a woman."

"Oh, excellent. What did dear old dad say?"
