Page 117 of Secret Squirrel

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I ran back for more and Rae joined me. Together, we tossed the rest of them inside.

“No, I’m not going down for this. I will not lose shawarma because of this!”

I slammed the doors on the compactor and nodded to Rae. “Ready?”


I hit the button and ran for the door with Rae. Fox stared at the compactor and sighed. “I’ll miss you, shawarma.”

I went back and grabbed him by the arm. He might be crazy, but I wasn’t about to leave him behind. We ran out of the building and hightailed it to the street. With any luck, we could hide out as everyone went to investigate, then slip out in the chaos.

I heard the grinding sound of the canisters and turned to Rae at the same time her gaze swung to mine. “Sparks,” we both said at the same time. The explosion ripped through the night, sending a fireball out the side of the building and up into the night. I grabbed Rae by the shirt and shoved her to the ground. The ground rumbled as the building was torn apart by the explosion.

As predicted, cops ran toward the scene. The chaotic mess we left behind was much more drastic than predicted. “That didn’t go exactly as intended.”

Fox stared at the flames, shaking his head. “I am not going down for this one.”



“You blew up the building!” I shouted as we walked into the hotel suite.

“Would you relax?” Rae groaned. “Jesus, you’re giving me a fucking headache.”

Scottie walked out of the bedroom, jerking his chin at me. “What happened?”

“They blew up the building,” I snapped.

“And you’re mad about this because…”

“Because Cash warned me that if anything went wrong, it was on me. Me! I came down here to help and this is how they repay me.”

They were all staring at me like I’d grown a third head.

“What?” I shouted.

Rae stared at me intently. “It’s just…we’ve never seen you so worked up over blowing up a building before.”

“Because I know what’s at stake,” I said angrily. “Cash warned me, and I thought I could handle it.” I pointed to Duke. “I tried to warn you. I tried to follow your lead and do things the good way, but you had to blow it!”

“How did he blow it?” Scottie asked, his eyes wide as saucers.

“He disregarded my dance and shot five men!”

“Wait, you danced with him?” Scottie asked, a touch of hurt in his voice.

“Tried and failed. You should have seen him standing there like a limp noodle. Seriously, I didn’t even have to finesse it out of you. Do you remember what it was like to move in tandem? It was effortless, flawless…beautiful.”

The whole room went quiet as they stared at me. I knew they thought I was crazy, but Scottie and I shared something special that magical night on the mountain. With bullets flying around us and men trying desperately to take us out, we moved as one. It was just me and Scottie Dog, dancing the tango and taking out our enemies. I’d never worked so well with anyone.

“I can’t believe you danced with him,” Scottie finally said. “I thought that was special between us.”

“It was special. I realize that now. Duke could never replace you. I swear. He doesn’t have what it takes to do what we did that night. He has no passion for music, and the rhythm doesn’t flow through him. Remember how easy it was?”

He nodded whimsically. “I remember. The way you spun me out felt so effortless.”

“Exactly,” I grinned. “It was like…an electric current flowing between us.”
