Page 62 of Secret Squirrel

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She was really hitting home at this point that what we had was just sex. I was going to have to somehow scrub that idea from her brain.

“If it’s just sex, then you won’t care if I forget about these steaks and take you up against the counter.”

I stalked over to her, fully intending for her to give me an immediate no. Instead, she eyed the steaks and then smirked at me in challenge. “If you think you’re good enough to get me to forget about them.”

I skimmed my hand up her side, my eyes sliding up to meet hers. “Do you know what my specialty was as a Ranger?”

She swallowed hard, shaking her head slightly.

“Every fucking thing,” I murmured before slamming my lips down on hers. I opened the cabinet above her head and pulled out the zip ties. In one swift movement, I had her hands tied to the handles of the cabinets. Then I opened the drawer beside her and grabbed a knife, slicing it down the t-shirt. Her breasts tumbled out, bouncing gently for my viewing pleasure.

She kicked out at me, shoving me back into the island. I pulled open another drawer and yanked out the duct tape, grinning as I stormed toward her and taped her mouth shut.

She shouted at me behind the tape, but I noted she didn’t actually attempt to thwart my actions. I strolled forward with a grin on my lips. “What’s that? I couldn’t understand you.”

Her knee drove up hard, nailing me in the balls. I hadn’t seen that coming. I dropped to my knees, sucking in air as I fell to my side and grabbed my throbbing nuts that were now working their way up inside my body to hide from an incoming onslaught.

She yelled at me from behind the tape, kicking out at me again, landing one in my side. Damn, if that didn’t turn me on. She tried to kick me again, but I grabbed her foot and pulled her toward me. Her arms stretched hard as she lost her footing. She pushed off the ground with her other foot and wrapped her leg around my neck, pulling me up to her sweet pussy.

My face was buried against her wet slit. I latched on, sucking at her clit as she pulled tighter, trying to knock me out. My tongue slid over her pussy, then slipped inside as I rubbed my beard against her clit. She started rocking against me, moaning as I got her closer and closer to the edge.

Her legs squeezed tighter around my neck until I was on the verge of passing out. But what a way to go. I could only imagine that it was every guy’s fantasy to be smothered by a pussy as sweet as Rae’s.

I heard her shouting behind the tape, but my hearing was going, and my vision was starting to tunnel. I was losing oxygen, but my lips kept working her pussy, licking and sucking until she came hard against my mouth. Her shaking legs held me to her, riding out her orgasm for what seemed like minutes.

Darkness tunneled in my vision until my eyes rolled back in my head. Oxygen suddenly filled my lungs as she released me and I collapsed to the floor. I heard something crack, and then she was on top of me, yanking at my jeans.

“I don’t think you’re going to get what you want,” I muttered, well aware that my balls were still sore as hell from her swift knee.

“Don’t be a pessimist,” she whispered in my ear.

My pants were yanked down just moments before she wrapped her hand around my soft cock. I chuckled, earning a glare from her.

“What are you laughing at?”

“The fact that you think you can kick me in the balls and then get me to—holy shit!” I shouted.

I didn’t know what she did or how she did it, but one minute I was down for the count, and then the next, I was hard and desperate to get inside her. I rolled her over and shoved my throbbing cock inside her. Whatever the hell she did, there was no stopping me now. She shoved her pussy up, making my eyes roll back in my head as I bottomed out inside her.

“Holy shit,” I groaned, grabbing her by the hips.

She sat up and wrapped her hand around my neck, leaning in close to my ear. “Do you want to know my specialty?”

I nodded desperately, but all she did was grin at me. Her leg wrapped around me and she pushed off the ground, taking me with her. I spun her around and sat her on the counter, fucking her harder and harder. She kept trying to wiggle and gain the upper hand, so I pressed her chest down on the island, forcing her to take me the way I wanted.

Her hand grasped out for anything to hold onto, getting ahold of the mixing bowl. She slammed it against my head, sending me stumbling back, almost pressing my hand to the burner. The steaks were smoking at this point, burned from being left too long on one side.

Out of instinct, I grabbed the cutting board, using it as a shield. And thank God, I had. The knife she was wielding with just a tad too much glee shined brightly as she swung it through the air at me. I bobbed away from her, careful not to put my fingers in the path of her dangerous swing. I turned away from the stove and backed up, trying to calculate her every move, but she gave nothing away.

With one final swing, I tripped over a chair and fell into the seat. She was on me immediately, tossing aside the knife as she sank down on my cock and started riding me with wild abandon. Her breasts rubbed against my chest as she took me hard and fast. I squeezed her hips as my balls drew up and cum shot from my dick.

I was breathing hard as she lazily rested her head on my shoulders, her breaths coming out just as hard and fast as mine. “Did you have any other questions?”

I looked around at the destruction in my kitchen and shook my head. “I can’t think of a fucking thing.”

* * *

She was dead to the world beside me. As I stared at her, I found myself smiling way too big for a man that had just gotten his ass kicked. Rae was too feisty to ever be tied down. Now that I’d slept with her, I realized just how independent she was.
