Page 32 of Daddy Defends

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There were snuffles of effort around the room as the other littles copied her moves.

“It’s impossible!” huffed Sophia, then a moment later there was a shriek, and she fell down, planting her face on the soft mat beneath.

“You can do it,” Esme said, walking up to her.

They’d started out putting on some tunes and dancing around like the bunch of fun-loving Littles they were, but when a more peaceful, meditative song had come on the playlist, Esme had naturally transitioned into static poses.

Yoga poses.

Before too long, some of the other Littles were copying along, tittering a little, but still taking it relatively seriously.

It was only when she was adjusting Sophia’s leg and helping her to balance when Esme realized what was going on.

All eyes were on her.

She was teaching a yoga class.

There was an instant burn in her cheeks, and a prickly sweat broke out across her body.

“Are you okay?” Sophia asked.

Esme’s mouth had gone dry. Why did she have to get like this? Why could she not stand to have people look at her?

“I just need to go,” she said, the panic rising.


“Yeah, sure,” she said, thankful that Sophia had helped her with the lie.

As she walked to the door, she felt a strong flashback. All those faces looking at her. Judging her. Thinking that she should have done something to stop the awful, awful thing that had happened. Tears wet her eyes, and she felt sobs catching in her throat.

She raised her hand to the door, but to her surprise, Rainer pushed it open.

“Hey,” he said, clearly not expecting her to be right there.


He’s gonna think I’m such a cry baby.

“Sweetheart?” He was clearly concerned. Then, to her infinite surprise, he asked, “Can I hold you?”

Every part of it shocked her. He cared about her. He wanted to hold her. He respected her enough to ask.

She nodded, and he wrapped her in his arms. The smell of musk and man was so much that she almost forgot herself. He was so much taller than her that her head rested on his chest. Deep inside, she heard his heart, thumping calmly, slowly, and she felt her own heart relax, matching his beat.

“You ready to go?” he whispered.

She nodded.

“Good. We’ve got a lot to talk about.”


Itwasdarkinhere. There was a candle on the table between them. The light flickered. Every time it shifted, Rainer’s face was lit from a different angle, making him look infinitely handsome, impossibly deep.

He arched an eyebrow. “Bet you didn’t think I’d be the kind of person to keep candles in the house.”

“I’ll admit that no, I didn’t.”

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