Page 34 of Daddy Defends

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She bit her lip. Nodded.

Rainer continued. “I struggle with giving in to fate. You struggle with fighting against it. I know we can help each other.”

Without even feeling as though she was doing it, Esme’s hand found Rainer’s under the table. The touch was light to begin with, and she felt a profound energy surge through her as he returned it with his own. As he held her gently, her body thrummed with anticipation.

“I think we can, too, Daddy,” she replied, feeling her chest rise and fall in time to some unheard, ancient rhythm.

It was unstoppable. There was something pushing her forward, moving her toward him. And as she moved, he did too. His hand moving up her arm, slowly, brushing her bare skin, caressing her upper arm, resting on her shoulder.

She was inches from him — centimeters. His eyes burned into hers as he pulled her onto his lap and then…

They kissed. It was soft, but just for a moment. As they communicated that — yes — they wanted, needed this to happen, and then, the gentleness gave way to hunger. He was passionate, demanding from the first, and as he held her more tightly, she realized for a moment that even if she wanted to, she couldn’t break his grip.

Then she eased, let him take control, let him push his tongue into her mouth, and she met that fierce passion with a fire of her own.

And when it was over, she was panting. “Fuck.”

“What did my Little girl just say?”

Her eyes widened. “I said frick?”

“Cussingandlying. Not a good start, young lady. How convenient that you’re already on Daddy’s lap.”

“But Daddy, we haven’t s-signed a contract,” she said. She desperately wanted him to spank her, but — of course — at the same time, she was terrified of getting spanked.

“Fine. Your safeword is ‘red.’ Do you consent to me spanking you?”

“Yes,” she said instantly. “Arrgghh. Damn me for being so turned on right now.”

“You’re turned on?” His grin was irritatingly huge.

“Maybe a little bit.”

“And you said ‘damn.’”

Her mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ shape. “You are so annoying.”

“That’s definitely an extra spank young lady. No matter how turned on you are. Now get over my knee.”

She couldn’t believe this was happening. Esme was desperate for it, but she wasn’t prepared for how intense things had gotten between them, and how fast. It was like being fired out of a cannon — a very pretty, exciting, beautiful cannon, but a cannon, nonetheless.

Esme decided that, on balance, the best way to avoid too much extraneous spanking was to submit, so she twisted around so that she was bent over his lap.

“Good girl.”

The words, said in Rainer’s rich baritone gave her an instant shot of dopamine. She wanted to hear those words a lot more.

A moment later, his strong fingers ripped her skirt and panties down.

“Fuck, girl, your ass looks incredible in the candlelight.” She felt his hand squeeze her buttock. Her pussy, which was already wet with lust, dampened even more.

“Daddy, what’s that I feel poking into me?” It was a naughty thing to ask, but she just couldn’t help herself.

There was a rustle below, and then Rainer showed her something.

Esme burst out laughing. It was Om Baby. Of course it was Om Baby.

“Nope. Not my cock.” Rainer shifted a little underneath her.

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