Page 43 of Daddy Defends

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No cussing.

Then, Rainer asked, “I’d like to be in charge of your pleasure. How does that sit with you?”

“As in—”

“As in no naughtiness without telling me. And absolutely no orgasms without my say-so.”

She screwed up her mouth, then said something that surprised her. “Daddy, last night I was thinking about you, and I touched myself and made myself come three times.” Her hand shot up to her mouth. “Did I just say that?”

He paused. “Seems that way.”

For a moment, she wasn’t sure if he was going to be angry or happy. Thankfully, it was the latter.

“Thank you for telling me, sweetheart. You just made me feel very good.”

Esme mumbled something under her breath.

“What was that?”

“I said I… respect you, Daddy.”

Esme watched with glee as Rainer struggled to keep a big, dumb grin off his face.

“Glad to hear it. I knew something was up in your room. I kept hearing these little… snuffles. At first, I thought someone had broken in.”

She was blushing so hard that it felt like her face was buzzing.

“I’m sorry. I know it was naughty.”

“Well, in the future, it’ll mean a punishment. But seeing as we hadn’t agreed on the rules, I’ll let you off on this occasion.”

They worked through the rest of the rules together. They were mostly to do with safety (making sure to lock her door if she was going to be home alone) and sticking to the schedule (using her phone’s calendar to set up alarms to remind her of her schedule). The time flew by, but before she knew it, it was lunch time.

“What are we having?”

“I thought I’d make you a smoothie.”

“Wait,” Esme said, “youhave a smoothie-maker?”

“How else am I gonna get my daily green goddess fix?”

For a moment, she thought he was being serious. He had such a dry sense of humor. There were times that she couldn’t quite work out whether he was being serious or not.

“Wolf gave it to me after I helped him refurbish the Den. It was an old one he didn’t need anymore. Kind of a joke. He knows what I think about fruit and vegetables.”

“What do you think?”

“Um… they’re great?”

“I can see why you want honesty all the time, Daddy. You’re a terrible liar!”

“True. Now, let me fix you up something, then you’re to get on with your afternoon’s schedule while I head to the shop. I can’t spendallmy time here, as much as I’d like to.”

Powered by the surprisingly delicious, and very healthy-tasting smoothie, Esme got a lot of stuff done that afternoon. Rainer had done a ton of research for her, and he’d left her with a series of TED talks and other YouTube videos to watch to help her with facing her fears.

Normally, she’d kick off her shoes and lie on her bed, before watching a vid on her phone and — probably — fall asleep before the end of it.

Not today, though.
