Page 61 of Daddy Defends

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At the front, Kelly was pulling a textbookmelasana— a deep, yogic squat in which her bottom almost kissed the ground. Even she — as perfect as she was in every way — was sweating, her beautiful blond hair stuck in strands to her smooth forehead.

All the other students in the class were suffering, too. Esme heard groans and moans of discomfort as they struggled against the scorching conditions. Each time Kelly adopted a new pose, there was a ripple of irritated effort as the students copied her.

Esme was loving the experience.

Kelly had booked this studio space months ago and had been planning this special hot yoga lesson ever since. The space was above a busy street in downtown Manhattan, and the view from the full-length windows was spectacular — it almost felt as though you were going to tumble forward out of them. Cars and people scuttled by hundreds of meters below, tiny beings on their way to find coffee, love, happiness.

Esme was on cloud nine.

Every single muscle burned with the effort of it. Her skin glowed with moisture as her body tried to keep cool.

Inside, though, she was even hotter than the room. Fizzing with excitement.

As she watched Kelly expertly lead the class, she remembered that just a little while ago,shehad led a yoga class of her own. Admittedly, she’d had just one student, and he hadn’t been the biggest yoga fan in the world, but she haddone it. And he’d enjoyed it.

Not only had she taught the lesson, she’d told Rainer her deepest, most shameful, most painful memory. And he’d been wonderful about it.

For the first time in ages, she felt ready for anything. If, right now, Kelly hurt herself and needed someone to finish the class, Esme felt confident she could do it. She’d get right up there and kick these students’ asses.

Maybe not literally. That might get her arrested.

“Everyone, back to chair pose.”

The class collectively croaked their way into the punishing half-squat. Esme felt her glutes start to quiver and burn with the effort.

Maybe itwasher fate to lead a yoga class, after all.


That was something she hadn’t thought about in a while. She normally started each week with a tarot draw for herself. But she hadn’t been doing that. Not since she’d been with Rainer. She just hadn’t felt like she needed to.

It meant that recently, she had been disconnected from fate. She had no idea what the future held. It was a little bit scary.

“Now, arms up! Reach for the sun!” Kelly commanded.

As Esme brought her fingertips high up above her, she imagined the warmth of the sun, making her glow even more.

Sometimes, it was okay to be scared. It reminded you that you were alive.

Just like Rainer had reminded her this morning.

Oops. That was a dangerous thought. Now, as she brought her palms to heart-center and gazed out of the window ahead, all she could do was imagine him, his cock urgently resting at her entrance and then — without even pulling her panties down — thrusting slowly into her. The sensation had been electric.

Don’t get wet, don’t get wet!

She couldn’t afford to, not in this outfit.

It was as she lay on the floor in a finalshavasanathat a dirty, naughty thought popped into her mind. Maybe she’d come up with an appropriate way to break the rules. Something to make her Daddy punish her, but not gettooangry…


Well.Dog’sbikewasin his house. His own pickup was at the garage, so Rainer would have to head back there to transport the hog away. Obviously, he could chain it up outside, but he’d worry that opportunistic thieves would pick the loose parts off for scrap money, which would end up costing Dog even more money, and Rainer didn’t want that.

So, he’d left it in the widest corridor, which just so happened to be by his front door.

“Why am I even helping the guy?” he asked himself, as he thumbed through a professional parts and services directory he kept at home. “He’d been drinking. He’s a mess.”

In a way, Dog was his enemy. His rival. They were both aiming to be Prez of the club, for very different reasons. Still, it never really felt as though Dog was upset with him or bore him any animosity. So, it was hard to feel anything bad about the guy.
