Page 17 of Rancher Daddy

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Millie had been wanting to call Zara from the very moment that she’d arrived in Littlecreek, but she’d been putting it off because of the shame she felt. When she’d visited her friend at Rawhide, Millie had managed to hide her awful mental state from Zara. In fact, because of Zara’s sticky situation, it had been a piece of cake for Millie to keep all the focus off of herself.

She knew that the minute she called her friend, the truth would start tumbling out. She also knew that Zara was the only one who would understand. Plus, it wasn’t like she had anyone else to talk to about the situation.

As she listened to the unfamiliar dial tone ring out, part of her hoped that Zara wouldn’t pick up, but when she heard her friend’s happy voice, she was glad that she’d answered.

“Millie-Vanillie!” Zara exclaimed with pure joy.

“Zara-Tiara!” Millie voiced back, not quite managing the same level of enthusiasm.

“It’s so good to hear from you. When I saw your picture pop up, I let out such a loud squeal that Daddy thought I’d sat on a pin cushion.” Zara spoke with perfect enunciation. You could almost tell she was a princess just by listening.

“Hope you didn’t get into trouble,” Millie replied. Most people would have calledhervoice posh, too, but it was nothing compared to Zara’s.

“I’m always in trouble,” Zara giggled.

They made small talk for a few minutes. Zara told her about the new home she was planning with her Daddy, Jaben. They were moving into an empty plot on Rawhide Ridge and were planning it all out. Zara had recently stepped away from her royal duties to commit to a life away from home, and it had brought out the best in her. It was wonderful to hear her friend so happy, even if she herself was struggling.

“So, what about you?” Zara finally asked. “How’s life at Littlecreek Ranch? Have you started work yet?”

Millie let out a sigh. “Zara, I think I made a huge mistake coming here.”

“Really?” her friend sounded concerned. “You seemed so excited about it when you were here.”

“When I was with you, nothing seemed real. Things worked out so well for you. It felt like I was living in some kind of movie, or a romance novel. I was sucked into it all, so when Master Derek spoke to me about this opportunity at Littlecreek, I went along with it... Oh, Zara. I’m not cut out for this job.”

“But it’s working with horses! You’re like… part-horse or something.”

“Zara,” she paused for a moment, trying to pluck up courage. “Zara, I’m scared.”

“Of horses?”

“Yes. But not just horses. I’m scared of everything. Of being away from home. Of being on a ranch. Of being around strangers. I’m scared of being a Little, but I’m also scared ofnotbeing a Little. I’m scared of trying. I’m scared of not trying.”

I’m scared of drinking. I’m scared of not drinking.

“Oh sweetheart, it’s all going to be okay.”

“Should I just go home?”

“You’re safe, I promise you. Master Derek was certain about Littlecreek. I know it’s different to the setup here, but the people there are good people.”

“I know, I know. I’m just scared of being myself around them.” Millie knew how frustrating this was for Zara. Millie had a habit of keeping her feelings of doubt and worry bottled up until she absolutely couldn’t take it anymore. Then she’d do something dumb like drink a bottle of vodka, or dump all of her issues onto a friend.

Don’t forget about the bottle of whiskey in your bag.

“I hear you, Mill. Listen, why don’t you see how the week goes? If you still feel unsure, you can go back home. How does Boris feel about you being there?” Zara had a habit of calling Millie’s dad by his first name.

“Umm… he’s… fine with it.” She lied.

“So he doesn’t know. Got it.”

“Wait! How did you know?”

“You’re my best friend, silly. Look, if it doesn’t work out, come stay here with us for as long as you want.” Then, in a slightly muted voice, not to Millie, she whispered: “That’s okay, right, Daddy?” After a muffled response, Zara continued, “Yep, that’s totally fine. Remember, you’re not trapped. Take a week to explore your Little side. See how you get on. I’m sorry you’re so scared, though. Is it because of Wizard?”

“Mmhmm,” mumbled Millie. She was too embarrassed to come fully clean. There was more to it than what had happened with Wizard.

“You’ll get there. Just remember, there’s a way out. Okay?”
