Page 43 of Rancher Daddy

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“We can’t,” he said, though he imagined for a moment how his cock would feel as she took it into her mouth.

“I know,” she replied hoarsely. “I want to be a good girl for you.”

“You’re doing so well,” he said, gently shifting her off him. “Now, come on. We have a contract to sign.”

Thankfully, Trent and Duke were waiting patiently in the Quiet Cabin. When Millie saw what was waiting for them in the middle of the woods, her eyes widened with pure excitement.

“This is so cute! You’ve transformed this place!”

Chuck had to admit, his brothers had done a good job. Trent had somehow managed to smuggle a bunch of oversized furniture onto the ranch — probably from his BDSM and age play club contacts — and had set the space up so that one half of the cabin was for Bigs, and one side was for Littles.

“We used to bottle maple syrup at this cabin,” Chuck said. “Felt like it’d be good to put it to another, equally sweet use.”

“We did our very best to fill it with good stuff,” Trent said, sheepishly rubbing his hair.

Duke, on the other hand, was doing everything he could to disguise a stupid grin that was fighting its way onto his face.

“What have you done?” Chuck asked.

“I got a bucking bronco!” Duke said, with way more excitement than was warranted. “It’s out the back. It’s so damn cool, the Littles can ride it and se—“

“For the millionth time,” Trent said, “we’re not going to have Littles riding any damn bulls, regardless of whether they’re mechanical or real.”

“Millie?” Duke asked with a twinkle in his eye. “I bet you’d ride it.”

“Ahem,” Chuck interrupted, “now’s not the time, Duke.”

Duke nodded. “Right, right.” Then, he looked at Millie, “Tomorrow, though, right?”

It was hard to be mad at Duke. No matter how silly or selfish he could be sometimes, his sense of fun was irresistible.

“Let’s get down to business,” Trent said. Then, he produced a document. “I’ve been working on this for a while. It might take a minute to finish.”

He wasn’t joking. It was a long, grueling process. Millie had never even read a full BDSM contract before, and so examining this document — a document she fully intended to sign — was daunting, to say the least.

It started with a brief introduction, outlining the purpose — the facilitation of a safe, sane, and consensual, DD/lg power dynamic between Chuck North and Millie Reynolds — and moved on to safewords, hard and soft limits, health and safety, and even dipped into things like dispute resolution.

A lot of it was kind of obvious, like the fact that any disputes arising between the two of them should be dealt with through open communication and negotiation, but it still felt reassuring to see it all laid out properly.

Going through the hard and soft limits was the longest part of the process. There were a lot of general BDSM terms, and also some more specific age play ones. Before coming out here, she’d decided that she was going to try to push herself as much as possible with the punishment and regression side of things, to see where it would take her. But she found plenty that she was unsure of, too.

“Um…” she said, “Enemas. I… um…”

“Don’t worry,” Chuck said. “Definitely not required.”

“And diapers. I think for now I’m going to say no.”

“No problem. We can always look at this again in the future if you change your mind about anything.”

She ticked the yes box for pacifiers, sippy cups, and Little clothes, though. There was a lot on the list, and she found the thought of some of the punishments and regressions extremely exciting. Millie wanted to talk to Chuck about that, but didn’t feel comfortable with Trent and Duke around.

There was mention of a safeword, too, and an empty box for her to write hers in. She thought for a moment and then wrote the word “carrot” in it.

Chuck gave her a smile when he saw what she’d chosen, then said, “Guess I won’t be playing out my extremely erotic carrot-based fantasy with you.”

Millie chuckled and carried on.

Before too long, she had finished going through the contract. Even though she’d been calling Chuck ‘Daddy’ for a couple of weeks, there was something momentous about this — finally making something real that she’d dreamed about for years.
