Page 25 of Healer Daddy

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“I’m so nervous,” Patti said. “I hope it doesn’t go wrong.”

Millie put a hand on Patti’s shoulder. “Sweetie, just remember, even though he’s the Daddy, you’re in control. Anything you don’t like on that contract, you can say no. You’re in charge.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

Patti was due to meet Trent by an old wooden gazebo next to a small pond on the ranch just after breakfast, before the start of the working day. It was a secluded spot that was off the beaten track—unless you had a good reason for visiting the gazebo, you’d probably never see it.

Takis had made plans for local bands to come and play at the gazebo, making it into a small bandstand, but none of that had materialized just yet.

Patti had only visited the place once before, but it hadn’t looked like this…

The structure was draped with string lights, providing a soft, warm glow in the cool morning light. The pond was filled with water lilies and framed by willow trees, giving it an almost ethereal look.

Trent sat on one of the benches under the gazebo, his face slightly illuminated by the sun that shone through the trees. For once, he wasn’t wearing a lab coat. Today he’d put on a smart, practical plaid shirt, as well as a bolo tie, inlaid with a teal stone. He looked ridiculously handsome.

Trent wasn’t alone. Both the other North brothers were there with him. She felt instant relief — clearly, Chuck knew that Trent was embarking on this relationship with her. Millie had nothing to worry about, although she might be disappointed not to get a spanking from her Daddy. Duke was holding a file folder, and Chuck held a small box.

Patti felt nervous as she approached the gazebo. This was it: her moment of truth. She squared her shoulders and forced herself to meet Trent’s gaze as she arrived.

“Good morning,” Trent said with an unexpectedly warm smile.

“Good morning,” Patti replied softly, hoping her voice didn’t betray how nervous she felt.

“You look beautiful.”

Patti couldn’t help but blush. As she had got dressed that morning, she had hoped that she hadn’t gone over the top. It was tough to know what to wear to the signing of a BDSM contract. Everything about this situation kind of made her feel as though she was at a wedding, although she knew that wasn’t the case. She hadn’t worn a white gown, of course, but had chosen a baby blue, pleated miniskirt with a distressed, oversized white t-shirt tucked in. She’d paired the look with a black leather harness for an edge and black platform sneakers. Couldn’t be dressed much more differently to Trent, but, thankfully, he seemed to like it.

“You look… handsome,” she said, trying not to cringe as she complimented him in front of his brothers.

Trent gestured toward Chuck and Duke. “Thought it would be a good idea to have some witnesses. Make this official.”

Duke was grinning so wide it almost looked painful. “There was no way I was gonna miss this.”

“Right,” said Chuck. “I’d never have believed that Trent wasactuallygonna take a chance on a relationship if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”

Patti shifted from foot to foot. Did that mean that Trent had never been in a relationship before? That couldn’t be true, surely.

“Thanks for the support,” Trent said sarcastically. “Anyway, now that my stand-up comedian brother has made his one hilarious joke for the year, maybe we can begin? Take a seat, little one.”

Trent pulled out a chair for Patti before taking his seat at the rustic table. Duke opened up the file and laid out a neatly prepared document, its pages filled with the fruits of Trent’s hard work.

“Wow, you’ve really put some thought into this,” Patti remarked, her eyes scanning the list of rules and expectations. She couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the level of detail and high standards Trent had set.

“Yeah,” Trent stammered, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I wanted to be thorough. The contract sets out the terms of our relationship. I’m your Daddy and your Dom, and I wanted to differentiate between the two roles.”

“I’m just… struggling…”

“It’s okay,” Trent said, taking her hand in his for a moment. “We have all the time in the world. The contract isn’t here to confuse you or trick you. It’s here to protect us both, and help us define our limits.”

She felt her breathing return to normal. Something about the confident way he held her hand was having a profound, calming effect on her. “I know,” she said. “I just… I’m worried about making a mistake.”

“Of course you are,” he smiled, gently. “I am, too. But you know, if I make a mistake, or you make a mistake, it’s alright. We can get through it. And if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay, too. Everything’s okay.”

She returned his smile with one of her own. Maybe she could do this.

“Start at the beginning,” Trent said. “Take your time. Anything that doesn’t make sense, ask.”

Chuck interjected, “Feel free to ask us, too.”
