Page 69 of Healer Daddy

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“When Takis told me your plan,” Trent said, “I knew you’d pull it off. I never doubted you, Patti. Your instincts are never wrong.”

She gazed into his eyes, and he could see the same fierce love and determination that had drawn him to her in the first place. As they kissed again, they heard the sounds of sirens closing in. Trent knew it: they would never be apart again.



Somuchcanchangein three weeks.

Trent leaned against the wall, arms crossed, as he surveyed the room filled with staff from Littlecreek Ranch. The air buzzed with anticipation and curiosity.

It was the first time everyone had been gathered like this since the awful events of the fire, and everyone was hoping for good news.

Trent glanced down at the vivacious, confident woman next to him. Patti, now a redhead with a mini-Mohican haircut, looked more gorgeous than ever. He knew, and she knew, that the news Takis was about the share would shake the occupants of the room to their core. Patti looked back up at him, her blue eyes shining with excitement.

The past three weeks had been a strange time at the ranch. After the dramatic events, caused by Brandon Grouse, they’d had to send all the guests home. There had been a bizarre, morose atmosphere, as repairs began, and people tried to find something to do. The future of the ranch had hung in the balance. When Takis had called this emergency meeting though, the change had been instant, with rumors of big changes to come. Takis was fairly sure, though, that no one in this room could quite guess what was coming, not even Duke and Chuck. Everyone was eager to hear what Takis would announce.

“Alright, everyone, gather ’round,” Takis called out, his Greek accent resonating through the space.

“Can’t wait to hear what’s up,” murmured a cowboy nearby, adjusting his hat.

“Me neither,” Trent agreed softly, his eyes scanning the faces of the ranch family.

“Thank you all for coming,” Takis began, hands clasped behind his back. “I know we’re going through a tough time, but I have some news that should lift our spirits.”

Whispers darted through the crowd, thickening the electric atmosphere. Trent uncrossed his arms, leaning in slightly. He had become fond of this place, and the thought of positive changes intrigued him.

“First off,” Takis continued, “the big news. We have secured a sizable cash injection from an angel investor.” There were gasps around the room. Littles clasped their hands together, staff members wiped their brows. Nanny Clara looked as though she was about to pass out due to relief. “This means that our beloved ranch is saved, at least for the time being.” He paused as cheers erupted in the room. “The investor wishes to remain anonymous, so please respect their privacy.”

A hushed whisper went around the room, as people clearly tried to guess who was behind the investment.

Trent glanced at Patti, noticing a subtle blush creep across her cheeks. He didn’t want to draw attention to his beloved Little, so he looked back to Takis.

“Secondly,” Takis continued, his voice strong and steady, “I will be passing on ownership of the ranch.”

A second round of gasps, this time, undercut by a murmur of worry.

“Ever since I bought the place, it had always been my intention to return ownership to the North brothers, once its financial security had been secured.”

Trent’s heart raced as murmurs and gasps filled the room. He felt Patti’s grip on his hand tighten in surprise. Duke and Chuck exchanged wide-eyed glances before turning their attention back to Takis.

“I didn’t buy Littlecreek Ranch for the money,” Takis said. “Quite the opposite. I bought it because I believed in the dream of this place—of a sanctuary for Littles and for animals. A place for all creatures to live in harmony and acceptance, where no-one has to fear for their future. Now, thanks to our investor, the future of the ranch is secure.”

There was laughter and happy chatter.

“Please,” Takis said, gesturing for quiet, “hear me out. Now, as some of you may have heard, I had to let our foreman go. Unfortunately, I didn’t really want him working remotely from prison—“

Laughter erupted from the room.

“Of course,” Takis went on with a smile, “this means we will need a new foreman. After careful consideration, I have decided to step into that role myself.”

Excited whispers buzzed through the gathered crowd. Trent glanced down at Patti, her eyes alight with anticipation. He knew how much she cared for the ranch and all its inhabitants, human and animal alike.

“I admit,” Takis added with a chuckle, “I don’t have Benjamin’s years of experience. But I can promise you this: I won’t try to set the ranch on fire.”

Laughter erupted around them again, lightening the mood. Trent couldn’t help but join in, releasing some of the tension he’d been holding onto.

“There will be other new staff, too. We need more cowboys as we take in more Littles. Believe it or not, I’m in talks with threemorerancherbrothers.”
