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The moment I walk off stage, I’ve only got one thing on my mind—I need Sloane. Watching those tears stream down her face as I sang, I wanted so badly to walk off the stage and show her just what she means to me. But of course, I had to follow protocol.

Thankfully, she must feel the same as we somehow meet in the contestant tent. People keep trying to talk to me, but I only have eyes for her. I have a million things I need to say, but the moment I’m close enough to touch her, I pull her in, and my lips meld with hers.

Swiping my tongue along the seam of her lips, it feels like the world is right again. Especially when she opens her mouth, returning my kiss with so much passion. I swear we could probably light this place on fire.

All that matters is being here with her.

Her hands dig into my hair as her body molds against mine. Every ounce of emotion I’ve tried to convey pours out of me through this kiss.

She. Is. My. Everything.

When we can no longer breathe, we break apart, gasping for air.

For a long moment, I simply rest my forehead to hers as I regain my breath.

“God, I love you, Sloane. You have no idea what you mean to me.”

“Uh… I think I might just have an idea,” she says on the most beautiful laugh. “You just outed us to the entire world.” Running her palm along my stubbled cheek, she swirls her thumb over my swollen lips. “For the record, I love you, too, Jax.”

My mind is swirling with a million things, but in this moment, all that matters is that she loves me.

“Please forgive me for being such an ass.”

The sweetest laugh escapes her lips. “You’re only an ass when you go radio silent. Next time something is wrong—talk to me. We’ll work through whatever is bothering you, together.”

Kissing her chastely, I promise, “I will. Trust me.”

“So…” she draws out, as she runs her finger along my chest. “Did you really write that songtoday?”

Chuckling, I admit, “Yep. It hit me like a ton of bricks and poured out of me all at once. I hope you’re not too mad at me for changing up my playlist.”

Cocking a brow, she flashes an adorable grin. “Normally—I wouldn’t advise such a thing—especially with everything riding on it in this competition.”

“That song was the one I needed to sing tonight. I don’t care if I win the competition as long as I have my girl.”

She shakes her head in amusement. “You’re such a fool, Jax Cartwright. But I love you anyway.”

“Jax, you’re needed on stage!” a deep voice calls out from behind us.

Leaning in, Sloane presses her lips to mine. “I’ll love you—no matter what happens out there.”

“Good.” I kiss her once more. “Because you’re stuck with me.”

* * *

Once again,I’m back on stage, waiting for results. If anyone would’ve asked me two months ago about this competition, I would’ve laughed in their face at the thought of entering, let alone being a finalist.

Last time I stood on this stage awaiting results, I was a bumbling ball of nervous energy. This time, my nerves are gone. I’ll either win, or I won’t. Either way, I’m going on tour, and I’m spending the next six months living the life of a rock star. Dreams I never knew existed are coming true, and I get to do it all with Sloane.

All five of us finalists are spread across the stage, eagerly waiting as the judges make positive comments about each performance. Unlike last time, as they talk about the strengths of each act, they also explain our shortcomings and dismiss us one by one—until it’s down to two.

I must give Sloane credit. The final two contestants are the ones she hand-selected to be here. The judges have made it extremely clear that even though she’s sought out the talent—she’s had nothing to do with the judging aspects of this competition. If we win, it’s completely on our own merits. Hopefully, these accolades for Sloane will skyrocket her credibility in the industry.

The judges take their sweet time telling both the members of Edgewater and me what an amazing job we’ve done. They go back and forth and tell us what’d they’d like to see with us and our careers moving forward.

Eventually, it’s time to tell us their decision. As the dramatic music plays—I’ll admit—I was lying to myself. My nerves are back with a vengeance as I await the results.

“And the winner of this year’s Seaside Music Festival Competition is… Jax… Cartwright!”
