Page 39 of Master Calabrea

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The beat of Tansia’s fearful heart pulls me from a groggy sleep, but the other side of the bed is empty and cold. It takes precious minutes to get dressed and search for my weapons, only to realize the ones I wore earlier, laid in this very room are gone.

I race to the lower-level closet and hurriedly gear up, visions of her battling with Lucas and Isala screaming in the background racing through my mind.

The warehouse.

I transport and arrive in the doorway of the steel outbuilding just in time to see Overmaster Descallia standing among Tansia, Embry, Raven, and Lucas. Descallia’s cape is wide open, and his fangs are descended a fire engine red.

He gestures to Raven and Angel when he sees me. “Get Lucas to the witch. I’ve contacted Devora, and she’ll be waiting. Master Calabrea and Tansia will stay with me.

Tansia stands in her shorty boots and my long t-shirt, wearing my dual chested holster and another slung around her waist with my treasured long sword by her side looking as guilty as she should.

The team begins their journey to take Lucas to the academy in the States where Devora is no doubt waiting in the lower level of her witch’s academy while Descallia walks ominously toward Isala.

I stand silent and waiting while the vampire overmaster takes in the female who was once his most trusted and loyal consigliere. Someone he trusted with the entire vampire empire and organization that we’ve created, but far beyond that, with all the secrets of our history.

I suck in a breath, consumed by the vastness of that thought. The secrets hidden for centuries that could be floating in the hands of those that would like nothing better than to destroy him and the entire vampire community.

“I don’t expect that you’ll tell me who you’re working for, but it’s really irrelevant. The rogues will use anyone they can to do their dirty work, and they saw an easy target in you. Someone with a deep-seated grudge, a thirst for power, and a traitorous heart. All traits they look for when selecting someone to help them in their quest. But you would know all about that, wouldn’t you, Isala? All the same traits you looked for when gathering the wolves and witches into your lair. Poor pathetic souls who you could manipulate. Think about that for a minute. That’s exactly what they saw in you. Why you too were selected,” Overmaster says.

Her glare is the only thing that gives her emotion away, otherwise she remains quiet, trapped in her chains, and this time unable to get away. “We know the witch who has been helping you too, Isala. Too bad that as we speak, they’re being rounded up by the head witch and others.”

Her head pops up, and her eyes flash. “Yes, Isala, we know all about the witches who believe they are helping their own by protecting you and the rogues. Now, so do their leaders, and inthe end, they’ll have to answer to them just as you will have to answer to me.”

Isala’s lip trembles…

My arm wraps around Tansia because this is personal and not something I wish her to see. “I brought a few of my guards. They’ll be outside in the event you need them. I’m taking Tansia home.”

Descallia nods, but his eyes do not stray from the woman he’s been hunting for her betrayal, for her intent to do harm to his mate and the entire vampire community he has given everything to build.

I give the evil bitch one last look, but she’s not worth any more of my time. We will have enough to worry about righting her wrongs, regaining the ground we have lost because of her traitorous relationship with the rogues.

Overmaster Descallia will handle Isala, in his own way, keeping his mate protected from the fate of her sister and will give us an update at the council meeting tomorrow. Right now, I have an errant mate to take care of. One who continues to leave my bed and manages to get herself into trouble on the regular without me there to protect her.

All of which will need to change, because as mine, my job is to love and protect her, regardless of what she finds herself involved in. She will learn that along with everything else there is to know about her life as a vampire and spending an eternity with me.

I draw her into my arms after arriving back in the privacy of the estate. “I was worried when I woke up and found you gone.”

Her arms wind around my neck, and she looks up at me with those bright green jade eyes and smiles. “It happened fast. I just got dressed and left.”

“Uh, huh.” I unfasten my dual chested holster that she wears as though it belongs to her and not to me. “And instead ofalerting me, you decided to steal my weapons and go take care of things yourself?”

My eyebrows raise, waiting as she contemplates how to answer the question that I’ve asked while I free her from the weight of steel, tossing them to the chair.

Her eyes glow in the darkness, the iridescent light of green growing brighter around the edges. I remove my belt from her tiny waist and let it join the rest of my gear. I lift the edge of my t-shirt, trailing it slowly up her body, revealing her perfectly taught abs, her rose-tipped nipples and creamy body, all the way to the delectable column of her neck that beats with a pulse in time with my own.

She knows what’s coming without me saying a word, and her blood courses through her body with the same need as mine. The scent of her arousal wafts beneath my nostrils, intoxicating me with what we both can no longer deny.

I lift her into my arms, transporting us to the lower level. The place I’ve been preparing as a surprise for Tansia.

Her eyes go wide, taking in the large space with burgundy walls and black tile floors. I carry her across the room to the large, heated kidney shaped pool filled with our essence, bright crimson and beckoning us both. I let her slide down the length of me until her toes reach the floor.

She slips off her boots, watching the white petals dance along the crimson tide of the pool that matches the color of her polished red toes.

I remove my clothing and take her hand in mine, guiding her down the marble steps of the pool. Her eyes are hazy as she walks into the bloody warmth with me, her heart beating in time with my own, trusting and pure. I turn her in my arms, supporting the weight of her until her body becomes buoyant atop the warmth of the pool.
