Page 40 of Master Calabrea

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The white petals float around her as I lean down to kiss her lips as she floats before me. A vision that will be preserved in my memory for eternity, and that will keep us strong as we face others who would demonize what we share.

A ritual specially designed for Tansia, to solidify our commitment, away from the world and the others who can think what they may. From the very first time I saw Tansia, whether I admitted it or not, it was always going to be her.

The Vade Mecum was right—the woman with red ringlets was destined to be my mate, and I her protector for all of eternity, and when I kiss her lips this time, it is with an intention of consuming, feasting, and taking what is now rightfully mine.

My name on Tansia’s lips as I raise her, drawing her to me as my cock reaches the very end of her. The chambers of my heart beat with anticipation of what’s to come. She moans as I move us to the wall, pressing her against the coolness of the stone amid the heat of the blood warmth, kissing every inch of her, tracing the erect tips that now belong to me, and gently removing her hair from the creamy column of her neck.

Her heart beats faster as my cock glides deep, and my finger trails the delicate line of her pulse. She moans as I kiss her there, testing and teasing as she wraps her legs harder around my waist, her body trembling and quivering on my dick, waiting for what I’m about to do with eager anticipation.

And when she’s almost there, I thrust deep, sending her over the edge at the same time I sink the tips of my fangs into the delicate skin of my eternal mate, drinking from her innocence, savoring the blood of her purity and the promise of our life together.

When our bodies are sated, I carry her to the four-poster bed that no one but she has ever shared with me. A king-sized frame crafted from the white birch tree that has been on my estate for centuries and will continue to grow new limbs as each springarrives. The limbs polished to a shine and wrapped with the large winged insignia of our crest along the headboard.

The sign of the vampires, who will always reign supreme, no matter the ones who would seek to bury us in the ground and take our place in society. A sign of our devout determination and will to rise and survive, amid it all.

Her eyes half open as I lay her upon our bed, but I close her lids gently with the tip of my finger. “Rest, my love. There will be much to do tomorrow,” I tell her, knowing that this fight is far from over, that we will need all of our combined strength to fight the rogues who have managed to infiltrate some of the most impenetrable groups of the underworld.

And tomorrow night, we learn who among us are the enemies, besides the ones we already know.



Calabrea walks into the kitchen just as I’m pouring a glass of Descallia Red from a bottle in the fridge. His eyebrows raise. “Decided to try it?”

My eyes take in his muscular form, more pronounced by his snug fitting jeans, Henley, and black leather vest. “Hmm… After last night, I’m ready to embrace everything about my new life. Including this,” I tell him, raising my glass to him before tipping it to my lips. This time, even the smell beacons me to it as though I’ve been drinking it for a lifetime.

I wipe my mouth on a napkin and grin at him with pride. “All the ladies meet up for drinks when you guys go to your important meetings, and they’ve invited me to join them.”

His eyebrows raise, but he laughs. “That sounds like a room full of trouble.”

“Do you think Sierra will be there?” I ask, because regardless of how hard I try I’m still unable to erase the fear of her hatred from my mind.

Calabrea pushes a hair that has fallen into my face behind my ear. “You’ll never have to deal with her again, ever. I made sure of that. Tonight, you go and have fun with your new friends,” he says before kissing me gently on the lips.

I don’t ask what happened to her because I don’t want to know. It’s enough that Calabrea has taken care of it because I trust him with not only my physical body, but my eternal soul. “What time will you be back?” Alessia and Delilah are meeting me, Angel, Raven, Lucianna and Embry at the Descallia.” I tell Calabrea walking over to the counter to pop the meat Elda left for us to eat into the microwave.

He sits at the dining room table and fastens the laces of his boots. “It’s hard to say tonight. We have a ton of things on the agenda at the consulate.” He glances at his watch. “What time are you meeting the ladies?”

I thought I’d get something to eat and then go. It’s been dark for a little while, but I wanted to give them plenty of time since Delilah and Alessia had a way to travel. Did you hear anything about Lucas?” I ask Calabrea bringing our warmed dishes to the table.

He shakes his head. “No, but I didn’t expect to. Overmaster Descallia probably didn’t leave Lucianna’s side today after whatever happened to her sister last night. I don’t envy him having to take care of her and then explain it to Lucianna. She wants whatever is best for us, but still, it can’t be easy. And the consulate is going to want answers. Whatever and whoever was listed on the note Roman gave Descallia, they’re going to want to know who is on it. It may be a pretty contentious meeting if he still feels he needs to keep information close to the vest.”

I can only imagine. I don’t know him well, but it seems he has a large responsibility and takes it very seriously. “I’m sure he’ll do whatever is right for us. Now eat quick, I have places to go and people to see,” I tease, taking another sip of the Descallia Red with my dinner.

He grins. “It seems light, but it will catch up with you if you’re not used to it. Ask the ladies tonight,” he says, taking both our dishes to the sink and rinsing them. “I’ll have one of the guardsescort you and stay at the club until you’re ready to come home,” he says, grabbing a jacket from the closet just off the kitchen.

“Sounds good. Try not to work too hard. I’d seriously give anything to be a little fly on the wall of that consulate meeting tonight, though,” I say.

He grins. “I’ll give you a text before I leave the meeting tonight. Can’t wait to get you out of that hot little dress,” he says, disappearing before my very eyes.

The rhythmof a popular sound pulses in the background as I walk into the club. I spot Embry right away; her light purple hair is flowing and fluffy, and she’s wearing a dark purple sweater and short jean skirt. She’s talking with the bartender and has a large fishbowl of a drink in front of her.

I slide onto the bar stool next to her. “Hi there.”

She looks up at me with glassy eyes. “Hi there, yourself.” She glances at her watch, and her eyes go wide. “Wow, time flies when you’re having fun, right, Francei?”

The bartender behind the counter gives his eyes a dramatic roll. “Anything you say, Embry.”
