Page 34 of Beast

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They still had to make sure that the video wasn’t stored in Mr. Blight’s cloud. As far as Logan knew, only Marcus’s boss and Eleazar had been sent the video, and though the photo of the blackmailer explained a lot, it also left Logan with questions.

He and Talon walked out of the apartment, Logan cursing under his breath. He sent the picture to Rayne, texting that this was the guy who had blackmailed Poncho into recording Beast’s kill.

Now all they had to figure out was why Nelo had gone to such lengths. Why send it to Mr. Blight and Eleazar? What exactly was the vampire up to?

Chapter Nine

Rayne had known from the beginning that Eleazar wasn’t being truthful with him. There wasn’t a new threat in the city. Eleazar had wanted Rayne to follow Nelo because it seemed Nelo was making some power moves.

Was Eleazar afraid of Nelo?

Rayne wasn’t sure since Eleazar was the oldest vampire that he knew of. He commanded power and strength and ruled over the city, so why on earth had he enlisted Rayne’s help?

And what was Nelo up to?

Whether he wanted to do Eleazar’s bidding or not, Rayne needed to find out why he wanted help.

* * * *

Beast still couldn’t believe the night he’d had. When he and Marcus were on that dance floor, it was as if something inside of him had been freed. He’d had an isolated upbringing, never going near any populations, and had been raised in a cave in his wolf form, stunting his ability to interact with humans.

For so long he’d felt like an outsider, even with his pack, as if he didn’t fit in anywhere. Sure, he trusted his pack with his life, but there was always a small voice in the back of his mind saying he was some kind of freak for the way he was raised and his lack of social skills.

But tonight, something had shifted inside of him. The dancing, and then the road head, had made him feel alive. He’d also felt an intimacy when Marcus had fed him those chips. His mate was so at ease with him, laughing and having a good time.

It was a feeling Beast couldn’t describe, and he felt it radiate in his chest as it moved outward, encompassing him. Not once in his lifetime had he known this sort of peacefulness. His life had always been about fighting, about surviving, about the next kill, yet in that moment, he wanted to shut the world out and live within his mate’s smile.

“Which container is mine?” Marcus asked as they stood in the kitchen after returning. They’d stopped at a diner for breakfast before they’d returned home.

Home? Beast shook his head. “This one.” He handed it over, and then they sat in the living room, Marcus picking a movie for them to watch as they ate.

Beast fed his mate some of his French toast as Marcus lifted a spoonful of grits to Beast’s mouth.

Beast could get used to this. He loved how domestic this felt, how at ease they were with each other. He would have never thought in a million years that he would enjoy Marcus’s company after their rough start. His mate had been a pest, and Beast had thought him spoiled.

How wrong he’d been.

Now he wanted to spend every moment with Marcus, sharing new things and hearing his mate talk.

“Are we going to follow Nelo tonight?” Marcus took a bite of his toast.

“Until we figure out what Nelo is up to, yeah. I got a text from Logan saying it was Nelo who forced some shmuck to follow me and he recorded me killing Max.”

Beast’s breathing increased as he watched Marcus’s tongue slide over his bottom lip, licking away the butter. “Since we’re going to be private dicks, let’s put our heads together and try to figure this out.”

“You’re a very strange man.”

Marcus grinned. “You love that about me.”

In that moment, Beast realized he did. His feelings for Marcus were growing, and he would even go so far as to say he was headed down the path of love. He wasn’t quite there yet, but he could see it happening. Since this was all new to him, his emotions confusing, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure that he wasn’t already there.

“It started with a meeting with Eleazar.” He told Marcus about Rayne’s meeting with the ancient vampire, how Eleazar had asked Rayne to spy on Nelo. “He said Nelo was young and too ambitious, that he was already making changes within his own coven, and that he didn’t trust Nelo.”

“Sounds like Eleazar is threatened by him.”

Beast nodded. “I don’t think he was referring to good changes, either. That’s why he’s so suspicious of him.”

“So why did Rayne agree to spy for him?”
