Page 87 of That Next Moment

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Milo glared at her, dropping his arm on the table. I watched from across the table, taking a final bite of my waffle. It felt so strange to be dressed in a nice suit, eating a waffle covered in Nutella and whipped cream, but the moment Madeline saw those waffles, she lit up. As strange as it was, it made her night.

“I know your favorite book,” Milo retorted.

“I don’t really have a favorite book.” Madeline lifted her head, keeping her hands ready to hide in again.

Ophelia leaned forward, pointing at Madeline across the table. “I even know your favorite book.”

“And oddly enough,” Jamie smiled. “I know Milo’s favorite Marvel movie.”

Madeline’s eyes widened as she turned to look at Jamie, her hands raising up to block her face from Milo and she mouthed “What is it?” toward Jamie. Thankfully, Jamie just gave her a sly smile and shook her head.

“You learn a lot from taking x-rays every six months.” Jamie laughed.

Elliot, who was sitting next to Milo, read the card as he shoveled a piece of waffle in his mouth. “What’s the answer to this question?” He swallowed. “What do Milo and Madeline do when the power goes out?” He lowered the card. “The power doesn't go out that often.”

Madeline lowered her chin, her cheeks turning pink.

“The real answer isn’t on the back.” Milo grabbed the card. “But for the sake of the game, we light candles and play board games,Yahtzee, Codenames. . .other games.” He grinned.

Ophelia chuckled. “The real answer wasn’t appropriate for dinner table talk.”

Madeline’s face went from a blush pink to red. She cleared her throat and stood. “I’m going to go see how my parents are faring. Elliot, when does the dancing start?”

Elliot raised his eyebrows. “Soon. The band will be here any minute, and I’ll turn the playlist off.”

Madeline ran her hand across Milo’s shoulders. “Jamie, Phe, wanna mingle with me? Say hi to my parents and see if anyone else knows Milo’s favorite Marvel movie.”

Jamie instantly stood, completely oblivious to Elliot’s eyes on her. Ophelia kissed my cheek and rose, her hand on my shoulder up until she had to let go. I watched as she walked away, her gold dress swaying as her hips moved. She was captivating. Even from a distance, I couldn’t force myself to look away.

“Whatisyour favorite Marvel movie?” Elliot asked, my gaze still locked on Ophelia as she gave Madeline’s mom a hug.

“Depends on the phase—” Milo began.

“You have to choose one,” Elliot interrupted.

I listened to them talk about which Spiderman was better while my mind drifted to Ophelia. She was still stiff, still uneasy as she flawlessly flowed through the night. There was something there she wanted to get off her chest. She mentioned she wanted to talk, but once the party began and the waffles were served, everyone got sucked into the game, seeming to shift her mind completely. I didn’t foresee a time for us to sneak away to talk. Maybe while we danced, I could ask her what’s wrong, what’s on her mind.

She laughed at something Jamie said, but then her attention went to her small handbag, her smile vanishing as he pulled out her phone. She turned to Madeline and showed her the screen. Madeline nodded and gently touched her arm as she stepped to the side, taking a phone call.

I tugged my lips into a grin as she smiled and nodded along to the phone call. When her gaze met mine, she gave me a quick wave and smile, locking eyes as she finished the phone call. Once she ended her call, she tilted her head, cocked her hip, and winked.

God, I love this woman.

I need to know what is going on in her head.

“Hey, Elliot!”

Three men appeared behind us, all of them dressed as nicely as all the guests, except their ties were loose and their shirts were untucked. They gave us a smile and then turned their attention back to Elliot. He spun in the chair and smiled.

“Hey, guys. Just in time.” Elliot stood. “Gotta set up. Are there any songs that I can’t play?” he asked, turning to Milo.

“Just notthesong,” Milo replied.

Elliot winked. “Got it.”

I turned to Milo. “Thesong?”

“Question number nine.” Milo smiled.
