Page 29 of Demanded Submission

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His desk screamed executive, the wooden legs and all glass top adding an artistic expression. There was a bar at one end, a credenza on another, and a massive computer system with four monitors to the side. He could run a country from here.

When I finally noticed him standing, staring out the window at the Miami skyline, my heart skipped several beats. He was a dreamboat in all black and for a few seconds, I couldn’t breathe. Then he turned around and I had the same reaction as when he’d saved my life.

I swooned, my mouth suddenly dry, my mind unable to process a single coherent thought. Everything around me seemed to shrink, making me feel small and inconspicuous.

The shadowed light accentuated the dark stubble on his chiseled jaw, his eyes penetrating mine with a level of heat that singed every nerve ending. With the obsidian shirt and dark trousers, his presence was the epitome of raw and very brutal power. Only with him, it was no illusion. He was a dominating master.

And for a few seconds, I felt like his prey, his possessive nature penetrating the room as he allowed his heated gaze to fall slowly to my shoes then back to my eyes.

As he walked forward, I remained frozen, uncertain I was still holding the drink in my hand.

“Alexandra,” he said, his voice booming in the room.

“Yes, sir.” I’d suddenly lost control of everything. My mind. My resolve. Somewhere in the back of my frazzled brain, my inner voice was shouting that around him I had no control over my body, but I wasn’t listening. “I’m sorry about the incident in the bar. You didn’t need to come to my defense. I could have handled the creeps.”

There was surprise in his eyes from my statement, but he said nothing. However, his presence made me nervous. I suddenly felt like I’d been a very bad girl.

He walked closer and my entire body tensed, my pussy throbbing as my desire increased. His intoxicating scent was all I could concentrate on, fixating on the exotic scents that I could swear I was able to pick out one at a time. Cinnamon. Cardamom. Juniper berries. Chile. Smoked paprika. When he was only a few feet away, I sensed my body was swaying. No man had ever had this kind of effect on me. When he spoke, I wasn’t expecting his demand, nor was I anticipating my longing to please him.

“When you come to my office, Alexandra, you should immediately drop to your knees.”



Alexandra’s eyes opened wide, the dazzling blue color shimmering in my office lighting. She was also searching whether I was being serious or not. I wasn’t entirely certain of the answer.

As she slowly dropped to her knees, lowering her head without being directed to do so, the sadist dom in me roared to the surface. Every filthy vision I’d had before doubled, my desire to thrust my cock deep inside insatiable. I wanted her shackled to my bed, writhing in my hold as I fucked her several times.

I wanted her between my legs, sucking my cock as I tangled my fingers in her long blonde strands.

Jesus. The effect she had on me was incomprehensible.

The sight of the beautiful woman fighting off assholes had had an unexpected result. I’d immediately turned into a caveman, going into attack mode. I’d reacted without thinking, wanting nothing more than to pummel the guy’s face without hesitation. Not only was I no longer prone to enraged acts of jealousy, I also usually allowed Jagger and his more than capable team of bouncers to handle situations of that nature.

The option hadn’t even been on the table, my possessive side taking over.

She’d become mine to protect.


Granted, I’d wanted a reason to toss the judge’s arrogant son and his buddies out the door more than once. I couldn’t care less if they ran home and told their daddies. The fact Judge Garber was still considered best friends with the former senator who’d made my life a living hell hadn’t mattered. I almost laughed at the thought of how many times I’d been threatened over the years. The judge had made certain to track me down at a party and tell me that he had it out for me.

My answer?

I’d told him to get in line.

Exhaling, I studied the lovely woman in front of me as I thought about what to do with her. She’d held her own with the young men at the table, but it worried me. Her habit of confronting anyone who irritated her could get her hurt or worse.

Alexandra remained where she was, holding out the drink as if serving me this way was a requirement of the job.

I’d issued the command before I’d realized what I’d done. What I also hadn’t anticipated was for her to comply with minimal hesitation. I had seen her look of confusion, which drifted almost immediately into questioning whether or not she could or should comply. Then it was as if a mask had been lifted, revealing a portion of the girl underneath.

I’d witnessed that in all of ten seconds.

She held out the glass in her hand, her chest rising and falling as I finished my approach. I was playing a dangerous game with her, but I couldn’t ignore my hunger. I’d also seen the look in her eyes, a building need that would only continue. Our connection was unusual, so much so I’d already contemplated training her as my pet. The fact she’d obeyed my command without pushback or hesitation meant I’d been right about her longing to submit to someone who could take care of her, nurture her needs.

A part of me felt atrocious while the other was completely aroused, determined to follow this through.
