Page 13 of Abduction

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Oh, Lewis was well aware.

“Anyway, LaRue, I don’t know why those four, but that’s not my job. My job is to watch, cover for The Hunters, and I can say they didn’t take and kill them.”

She was aware.

They tended to not kill cops if they were clean.

“Were those four dirty?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“Nope. Not from the intel I have,” he said. “Sorry, EL. I wish I could say you didn’t have more on your plate, but you do.”

Of course, she did.

“Fuckity. I love that city, but I hate that city. It’s a pain in my ass.”

He understood that.

It took a special kind of crazy to live and work in New Orleans. It was seedy as hell, and a tourist trap with thousands of potential victims.

The criminals loved it.

If you wanted to get mugged, shot, or sold into the sex trade, go there and wander around at night. He didn’t wander and he carried four guns, two knives, a taser, and zip ties.

Oh, and a license to kill thanks to the US government.

She needed more.

“Who sanctioned that hit if it’s not The Hunters, and El Gato is dead?”

He laughed.

“You’re not going to like any of this,” he admitted, knowing she was going to go loco.

“Don’t say it,” she warned.

Only, he did.

When he said the name, she went red.



Oh, and almost nuclear.

Yeah, he’d better be yanking her chain because she would McLoseIt.

“Artemis? Are you freaking kidding me?” she asked. “Please say that’s a joke.”

Oh, he wished.

He nodded.

“Not a joke, and yes, it’s her. She bought up some mercenaries to handle them. I just don’t know why. You’re going to have to figure that out.”

Well, that was all she needed.
