Page 148 of Abduction

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If this was what he wanted, he could have it. She only hoped that he didn’t regret it at some point.

As of right now, there was no going back.

“Well, I’m shocked.”

Elizabeth was honest.

Once in his office, she shared some cockamamie story to help Tommy do what he wanted to do. If he was going to be their spy, she’d set him up.


“Yes, your commissioner, Johnathan, was in on it. He set it up with the head of the FBI. The minute he was killed, I was sent in, and told to pull Thomas.”

He sat behind his desk.

“Well, that’s shocking.”

Tommy sat.

“No one would have seen it coming,” Elizabeth said. “We couldn’t get anyone under to deal with El Gato and his Addiction issue other than Tommy. We are grateful for his service. I’m sure the president will be calling to give him an award.”

Yeah, and her an ass-kicking.

John sat back in his chair.

“We were under the impression you left to work for them and had a relationship with one of them.”

Elizabeth stared over at him.

If he wanted this, there was only one option.

“It was my cover. I did what I had to do to stay alive. The FBI needed me, and there was no relationship. That’s the cover story that the FBI planted.”

John smiled.

“That was brave of you.”

He shrugged.

“I love being a cop. This is who I am. What wouldn’t I do to make things right in my community?”

“Are you coming back?” John asked. “Asking because I’m doing your job.”

Elizabeth handled this.

“It’s in the works. I don’t know who is handling it. That’s above my pay grade. What isn’t above my paygrade is I’ve been sent here to take care of the four murders you have on your desk,” she said, changing the subject to distract the homicide captain.

He smiled.

“I have detectives handling that.”

Oh, hell, no.

He didn’t make her sit for over an hour, and he was going to pull this. She dug in.


He blinked.
