Page 219 of Abduction

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“He’s in here. We just saw him cuddling up with her. She has a huge love bite on her neck, and it looks as if he has a vested interest.”


That was exactly what she was waiting for. Now that Remmy had crossed that line, it was time, once more, to make him bleed.

Artemis laughed.

“Well, it seemed that Remington didn’t heed my little warning. He can never say I didn’t offer it up, now can he?” she asked.

Yes, she’d told him it was best to not stick his dick in her, and that was a problem.

It was about to cost him his life.

As for her, she didn’t give a shit. She was absolutely nothing to her but a way to make a Russian mob man very happy when he landed in the city.

Oh, and make her very rich.

That was the bottom line.

She was getting out of the business, and all it would take was one little abduction.

Okay, maybe two.

“When it’s clear and you can pull it off without anyone being any the wiser, I need you to move on her. He’ll swoop in to save her. Then, we’ll have our bargaining chip, or one of them, against Mikey O’.”

“Can do. We’ll handle it. Do you want us to check in with Milo and Silas? Or do you want us to do this one alone?”

She grinned.

Oh, she had a sneaking suspicion that Milo and Silas were about to have a rough day. She’d paid some sluts to pass on the information, and say it was the men talking.

The Hunters were going to be busy.


“You three should be able to handle it. I want them brought to that warehouse to wait for me. I need you to separate them. He’s mine. She’s useless to me.”

“Do you care what we do to her?”

She actually laughed.

“Not in the least. You get bonus points if you break her in front of him, or he can hear her screams. When you kill her, dump her with him.”

Oh, she wanted Remington to bleed.

“Thank you. About our payment?”

She figured as much.

Everyone in this city was trying to make a buck. There was no shock there.

“When you deliver, you get the other half of your money. Don’t fuck it up, and then disappear. You’re getting paid this amount to make yourself scarce. You’re poking Mikey O’, and you know how he can be.”

That they did.

“We’ll let you know when we’re there.”

That worked for her.
