Page 242 of Abduction

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Ethan winked at her, and she gave him a kiss.

“I’m so confused,” Gene said. “What were you talking about then?”

She was honest.

“You’re probably wondering how I knew you wanted a job with my division.”

He looked at Ethan.

“I didn’t ask her yet. I just mentioned that to you,” he clarified.

“Then how?”

She told him.

“You weren’t the only one who wanted a job.”

He froze.

Oh, holy shit.

“Tommy wants to join the FBI? He wants to come back with me and work this out?”

Oh, boy.

There was so much hope there.

And that sucked because that was the last thing he was going to get. Tommy had been all about Tommy when he’d asked for help.

Gene hadn’t even been a thought.

“No, Gene. He asked us to get him placed at the police precinct as one of our spies, working for NOPD.”

He got clammy again, and this had nothing to do with Ethan, him in his boxers, or her.

“Oh, God.”

Ethan rubbed his hand up and down his back in reassurance.

Gene looked scared.

“Please say you didn’t.”

Yeah, here came the really bad news.

“Axelle did. He offered up going undercover for the police, and the spy in her loves shit like that. She can’t resist. I tried to talk him out of it multiple times. He’s hellbent.”

Gene knew the truth.

“He’s going to die.”

She knew that was a possibility.

In fact, if she was a betting woman, or a Fed who had done this for twenty plus years, she’d bet on it too.

Elizabeth gave him a month in this city. If Artemis was gunning for The Hunters, and those she hired knew that Tommy had helped them…

The mercenaries left behind would start gunning for him too.
