Page 132 of Take Me With You

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We’ve been in an odd place since the night of the ball. The scales are unbalanced, and the power of position has changed hands. In the past, Nicky always wanted to do whatever it took to please me and make me happy. Not once would he raise his voice at me.

Ever since that night, I’ve been striving to please him, and nothing seems to be good enough. He’s never happy with me, and I’m not happy with him, but I don’t have the gall to walk away. Not when I’m the one who wounded him so deeply.

He sits on the chair beside me, and for several minutes he mimics my position as together we people watch.

Finally, he turns his head on his propped arms and stares at me.

A sad smile lights his face.

“What?” I ask.

“Remember the nurse that I told you about back in Rio?”

I nod slowly.

“I uh...I spoke with her yesterday.”

My eyes lift to his as confusion and fear swirl within me. Why would he talk to her when he demanded that I break all ties with Kincaid?


“She called me. It was the first time that she’s called in a while. I spoke with her a few times when I arrived home while staying with Mom.”

“What did she want?” I ask as my stomach knots.

His eyes hold mine, and I can see the truth. Though I don’t want him to speak it, I can see the truth in his eyes and already know what the end will be.

There can only be one real resolution to this.

I shake my head.

“I don’t want to let go, Yaya.”

“You have to,” I say.

I squeeze my eyes closed and bury my face in my crossed arms.

He reaches out a hand and pushes loose curls away from my face when I turn to face him again. “I can work something out.”

I frown and sit up, repeating, “What?”

“It will take some work and patience, but—”

“No! You can’t live two lives, Nicky. You can’t,” I sob.

“What do you want from me?” he asks as tears fill his eyes.

“Sometimes two people come to the end of a road. Maybe we’ve reached ours...maybe prematurely, but it was no one’s fault. Circumstances that were beyond either of our control drove us apart.”

He presses a finger against my lips and shushes me. “Don’t say that.”

“I can’t be who you want me to be, Nicky. You and I both know that.”

He nods and pushes back a lock of blonde hair from his eyes.

“You’re right. I don’t want to change you. I knew as much but didn’t want to accept that we’d come to this place. If I’m being honest, I must admit that I’ve been thinking about this for some time now. You’ve worked hard these last few months to get us back on track, but....”

“But what?” I ask with tears in my eyes as he hesitates.
