Page 6 of Mesmerised

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She was going to try to kill herself again.

“You’re not going anywhere. Certainly not to drown in the sea. I willnotallow it.” I held her hand tightly.

She stood and stared me down. “You know nothing about me or my life. I havenothingleft to live for. You could never understand.”

Donna turned away from me, but I wouldn’t let go of her hand. She sobbed uncontrollably, and I looked to Jeanie and Mac for help.

“You two have a lot to discuss. We’ll clear up here.” Jeanie ushered us from the kitchen.

I led Donna back to the sofa in the living room. The sun was climbing higher in the sky. It was going to be another beautiful day. Grabbing the throw, I placed it around her shoulders and led her to the seating on my balcony. She shivered. There were heaters outside, so I turned on the one closest to her and we sat together in silence. The wind blew around her hair and I caught her womanly scent. My heart almost burst inside my chest.

“It’s not too chilly for you out here, is it?” I was mindful of how cold she was after being in the sea yesterday.

“No.” She smiled a small smile. “It’s fine with the heater. Thank you.”

I cleared my throat. “Donna, I know this is pretty surreal for you, but our lives are bound to one another. If we were to part, we wouldn’t last long.”

She turned to face me, her brow furrowed. Her confusion beat at me as I struggled to explain without sounding like a total lunatic.

A sigh left her as she ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t honestly know what you mean. You scare me, even though I understand, somehow, that you’d never hurt me. But how could me killing myself lead to your death?”

“I couldn’t ever hurt you, you’re right. This is hard for me to make clear. It’s not something that’s ever happened to me before.” I scratched at my stubble with frustration.

She stood, allowing the throw to fall to the floor. When she reached the railing, she leaned against it, sighing loudly. She’d done that a lot since we’d met. I moved to her side and watched her profile. Then she turned to face me, her features filled with anguish.

“Do you know what it’s like to lose your whole life in just twelve months? To one minute have a perfect existence, only to lose it bit by bit?”

“I’ve been through a lot of serious things in my life, but over a long period of time.”

Her green eyes bored into mine as if trying to read my thoughts.That will come in time, babe.

“I’ve nothing left to live for. I couldn’t expect you to understand. How could you? Look.” She indicated to the area around us. “You have an amazing place to live, so I guess you’re financially sound. Me, I’m nothing. I havenothing.”

“Tell me what happened.”

She moved back to the seat, and I followed her.

“Twelve months ago, my parents died, and my best friends lost their lives not long after in a train crash. Oh, and here’s the kicker. Two months ago, I lost my job, and my bank accounts were emptied by hackers.” She shook her head and sighed. “So, in one year I lost absolutely everything. I have no one to care for me. No finances. Nothing.”

To lose so much in such a short space of time was terrible. My mind started to work it all out. The demon who had been causing problems in my territory, Gustav, had been quiet for the past few months. In fact, when I thought more about it, it was roughly a year ago I last had a fight with him. The same time Donna’s life started to implode. Chills covered my body. This was way too much of a coincidence, and my concerns rose as to what—or whom—was behind this.

“I am so very sorry. Have you got any other relatives?” I needed to know if there was anyone else who could be in danger.

She shook her head. “Nope. No one. And that’s why my life is over. What the hell’s the point in carrying on?”

The full force of her despair hit me in the gut. Her pain washed over me until it was almost like a physical blow. Now was the time to make her see that her life wasn’t over. That she had me to protect and care for her, starting right now. And for the rest of forever. Tears filled her eyes, and I had the burning desire to comfort her. Without asking for permission, I pulled her to me. Her tears fell, wetting my T-shirt and filling me with an endless rage. Because after what she’d told me, I knew for sure what the cause of this was. Gustav.

Demons did everything in their power to prevent mates from finding each other in the Hybrid’s territory they chose to inhabit. If they could kill one, then the other would be dead within a few short days. This would allow the demons to run riot, hurting whoever they wanted, taking possession of any human and turning them into mindless thralls, or familiars as they were more commonly known. Tentatively, I tried to probe Donna’s mind. I came across a wall, and instantly, I understood. The demon had somehow managed to enter her thoughts and compelled her to take her own life. Definitely Gustav. There’d been so many run-ins with this demonic asshole that it could only be him. I was going to fucking kill him for this. But first, I needed to get that wall out of Donna’s mind, or he could attack her at any time.


Donna’s shocked voice cut through my murderous thoughts. I’d gripped the arm of my seat so hard that I’d crushed it. I cursed and shook my head. Her eyes were wide, and I realised my fangs had lengthened in my rage. She hyperventilated and her eyes rolled back in shock. I thought she was going to faint again, and she did.

* * *


I could hear voices in the background, as though they were coming from a long distance. My eyes remained shut as I attempted to gather my thoughts. What had just happened to me, and why was I lying back down on a bed? The voices became a little louder. Obviously, they still thought I was asleep.
