Page 7 of Mesmerised

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“You’re going to have to tell her the truth. You can’t keep this from her, love. She has a right to know,” I heard Jeanie say.

“I know, I know. But how am I going to convince her of the danger she’s in? Jeanie, she saw my fangs. That alone scared her half to death. To make matters worse, I think Gustav has tampered with her mind. How will I ever make her see that she’s my mate, the one woman I want to be with forever?” A frustrated huff came from Antoine.

“I think you need to contact Lorenzo and Isabella. They’ll know what to do. If Gustav has done this to her, he could attempt to get to her again.”

Who were they talking about? This was getting crazier by the minute, and there was enough crazy in my world already.

They became silent. So, I hadn’t imagined things. The guy actually had fangs. When I watched them appear from his gums, I honestly thought I was going through some sort of nervous breakdown. But what did that make him, then? Was he really a blood-sucking creature of the night who wanted to drain me dry? I reflected on the metallic taste in my mouth after he’d saved me. Jesus, had he given me his blood?

And who the hell was Gustav, and why would he be in my mind? My head was filled with a stabbing pain. I stopped thinking about him, and it went away. I tried it again, and sure enough, the pain hit me. This was like something out of a fantasy movie.

“She’ll come around to it. All you need to do is treat her gently. And first, you must get rid of that demonic influence in her mind. The last thing we want is for her to succeed in committing suicide. You know it’ll mean certain death for you too. My heart couldn’t take it if you died, Antoine.” Jeanie’s voice wobbled with emotion.

I sat upright on the bed, my eyes going from one to the other.

“I don’t know what kind of weird cult you have going on here, but I want out.” I threw the duvet to one side, swinging my legs slowly over the side of the bed. “You can’t hold me here. The one thing I still have left in my life is my free will and you’re not taking that.” I paused, narrowed my eyes, and waved my finger with accusation in his direction. “Oh, and did you force me to take your blood?”

“It isn’t a cult. Yes, I did give you my blood because it has healing properties. You were already dying, and if I hadn’t given it to you, we’d both have died.”

I laughed. Honestly, I couldn’t think of anything to say.

Welcome to the fucking world of the insane, Donna,I said to myself.

“You’re not in the world of the insane, Donna. This is the very real world, and you need to learn about it. Fast.”

Wait, did I just hear Antoine’s words in my head? This day really was turning to shit very fast, and I felt like I’d gone headfirst down the rabbit hole.

“Please, try and be patient with me. I’ve waited for so long to find my mate and I’m finding it hard to explain this to you.”

I clapped my hands over my ears. “Keep out of my head, will you?”

Jeanie sat in the corner of the room, eyeing us with concern. I felt like Antoine was keeping her with me as some sort of security, so I wasn’t alone with him.

He took my hands in his. I attempted to pull away, but he held tight. “You can hear what I say in your mind, can’t you?” he asked in a soft voice.

I nodded, too overcome with emotion and confusion to respond verbally.

“That’s the start of our bond growing. The more time we spend together, the stronger it’ll become.”

“Why?” I wailed. “I don’t understand.” Tears slipped from my eyes and I shook my head.

“Once we met, the bond began to grow. Even if you don’t want to accept or understand that it’s happening, nothing can stop it.”

“This is plain nuts.” I was so frustrated by his words that I wanted to scream.

“Donna, as I’ve said before, this is all new to me too. The Fates set the ball rolling the moment I took you from the sea.” I tried to sound as sincere as I could.

“I’m not sleeping with you or being your bitch,”I thought.

My eyes widened as reality hit me. Was I really telepathic?

“I wouldn’t expect you to do anything you don’t want to. We need to get to know one another and build a bond of trust. And yes, we share a telepathic link.”

“I… I don’t understand. So much has happened to me. I’m still grieving for the four people who meant the most to me. This is all too much for me to take in.”

I didn’t know what to believe anymore. My whole world had imploded, and I still wasn’t certain whether I was dead, alive, or stuck in some bizarre dream.

“Jeanie, do you and Mac have powers?” I asked, my mind working overtime.
