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“Boo. I tried a spell yesterday, and all it did was kill my plants.”

“I don’t think it’s your spell but you fucking in your greenhouse and letting Emmett come on them that did it—”

“Hush! My parents will kill me if they find out.”

More laughter rang out. A sharper tone started on his left, aghast.

“What is she doing here?”

“I know, right? Doesn’t she know she is not welcome anymore? The audacity to show her face after all her lies.”

“Exactly. I heard she blew up her shop this morning to gain attention. She always seems to crave it.”

“I heard she helped her pirate friends kidnap voyagers and steal from them. She acts all innocent, but none of the Suttons are. Just like their brother.”

“What a loser.”

He already knew before even looking who they were gossiping about, but he focused on finishing his drink and biting his tongue from snapping at the two women. When the spiciness abated from his chest, he glanced around until his gaze landed on distinct orange-gold hair, brighter under the dim lights. He wondered if all the rumors about nearby energy lending to that hair brightness were true, considering her hair had mostly been brown at sea.

Then the smile on her lips snatched his attention, as bright as her hair and just a little bit sultry—a sight so unusual that he gaped.

“Another drink?”

Maddox turned away. “Sure.”

“Oh, there’s Ruby,” Rex said. “I haven’t seen her in a while. How is she?”

“She is okay.”Avoiding me.

“Good for her. That poor girl has been through a lot. I’m glad she is unwinding like her sister Pearl and hanging out with…is that Lionel Magoo?”

Maddox’s head whipped back so fast, he heard the crick. Sure enough, Lionel Magoo stood beside her, whispering in her ear and smiling back. Ruby looked very open to it, even leaning forward and prompting Lionel to accommodate her in his space.

“Yes. That’s him.”

Lionel Magoo, younger brother to James Magoo, who she was avoiding. The man resembled his brother in looks but was more relaxed, perhaps because he didn’t have a position to hold and had enough family wealth to waste around. He handed Ruby a drink, their fingers brushing. She didn’t flinch, laughing at something he said.

“Well, that’s the last pairing I expected to see.”

“Why?” Maddox asked.

“The Magoos are all about reputation, and they are powerful here. But I suppose being the youngest, it doesn’t affect Lionel that much.”

Maddox mulled over the statement. The good news was that not all people joined in on the negative opinions about the Suttons—at least, not out loud, allowing Ruby to enjoy her time without getting harassed. Despite that, it didn’t sit well that she had turned down his dinner invitation only to show up in the same bar while flirting up a storm with someone else.

Ruby said something that made Lionel throw his head back in laughter while she grinned in triumph. Maddox frowned.

“Am I seeing things, or are you jealous of my sister and that guy?”

The smoky, lilting voice came first before the brunette slid on the stool beside him, expression observant. Pearl had dressed up tonight in a tight black dress that accentuated those unique eyes, and she was leaning forward to accentuate her cleavage.

“Pearl. Hello.”

“Hello again. You didn’t answer my question.”

“There’s nothing to answer. There’s no jealousy involved.”

“Oh. If that’s the case, then…can I buy you a drink?”
