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“The witch or warlock might be gone, but his or her influence…” Maddox narrowed his gaze, then cupped his hand over his mouth. “Brian!”

The warlock looked up from the bowing, clearly enthused over the admiration. Then he remembered he wasn’t alone and straightened to his full height, using the same commanding tone as earlier.

“Release them. They are my friends, and they will not harm you.”

Just like that, all steel bars were lifted, granting them freedom. She scanned the creatures gathered outside the barrier, watching them, then turned wary when the interrogating man approached them once more.

“I am Kin, leader of this tribe. We are humans blessed with the protection of a powerful being who had long passed, but ensured that we would continue to prosper. Your companion, that man, might be the symbol of hope we have long been waiting for. He may also be our savior.”

“They already think the guy is their savior,” Maddox muttered.

Ruby elbowed Maddox, who nudged her back. She tried not to smile and stepped forward, trying to appeal to Kin.

“These are Maddox and Moon, and that’s Brian. I’m a witch. But I am not…blessed with magic like he is.”

“Perhaps we can fix that with a dance.”


“A ritual dance. It’s how our old protector gathered his magic to protect us from all kinds of danger. Would you like to give it a try?”

“If I do, can you answer my questions and help me with the key to find my brother?”

Kin offered a hand, which she shook. Maddox remained silent, face an unreadable mask.

“I know what you are thinking.”

“What?” Maddox challenged. They had just traveled from the clearing to a bigger one, where tree houses were gathered and the ground was riddled with bonfires, polished stones for seats, and other items the group had collected over the years. It made for a crowded space, but the humans were quick to clear the center—more humans than she would have deduced, living in secret in a world they shouldn’t even know existed.

“You don’t trust them. You think this is some ploy to lure us in before they tie us up and eat our flesh.”

He raised a brow, but the words made humor spark in his brooding features. “I wasn’t thinking about flesh-eating, but the other part…yes. Although Brian’s doing a good job of keeping them enthralled.”

They glanced at the warlock, who stood in that cleared center and accepted the gifts presented to him. Moon sat close to him, clearly avoiding attention.

“Good. We need them enthralled. We need them…hello.”

They stood up at Kin’s approach, her because she was being polite, and Maddox because he didn’t trust anyone. But the man only held out a hand.

“The ritual dance will start soon. You and your companion will dance and gather energy from the Earth so that you can add a layer to our barrier of protection.”

She let him lead her to the center and watched the women take their place. As soon as a drumming beat began, they danced, fluid lines of grace that moved in sync and mesmerized their viewers. At Kin’s nudging, she hesitantly walked to where they were, studying their movements before she awkwardly tried to mirror them. But dancing had never been her forte, and she was left flailing about like a disgrace.

“Feel it within you until you feel the magic,” Kin called out.

Oddly enough, her gaze didn’t go to him but to Maddox, who didn’t move from his spot. Blue-black eyes pierced her with a look that only said one thing:Show them what you got.His infallible confidence had her heart swelling, and she closed her eyes to feel the beat better.

Ruby forgot the women’s moves and danced to her rhythm, more nuanced but coming from somewhere deep inside her. When the beat picked up and darkened, so did her movements, transitioning to a sexy part of her that dared come out. She stretched for all she was worth, then danced her fingers over her body in a jagged, intense rhythm. She opened her eyes when cheers rose, with Moon leading them and Brian watching with pride. Perhaps there was a softening there, too, lending to Maddox’s words about the warlock’s true feelings for her.

Then she looked at Maddox, and all breath left her lungs at the darkened orbs that arrested her. In the blink of an eye, heat rushed in every part of her being until she throbbed, turned on and restless with a yearning she didn’t know she possessed this deeply.

Touch me, Mad. Come here and touch me,something inside her called out.

Then he blinked and the smoldering look was gone, as if his burning for her had been all in her imagination. Shaken, her knees gave up and she dropped to the ground, harsher than she intended and making her bite back a wince. The others didn’t notice, but Maddox did, his body ready to charge forward until she shook her head.

Ruby slammed her palms to the ground, willing all her senses to participate. She tried to feel through the roots and rocks below, looking for that sliver of energy she could grasp and seize into her. But there was none, and repeated patting just increased the helpless feeling.
