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He let her go but didn’t back off when she stumbled against a wall. Fury burned in those eyes as he descended on her. She shouldn’t have egged the predator on, knowing it wouldn’t be able to help itself and would pounce when the right timing came. But Klaus’s pouncing didn’t involve words or kicking her out of Oslo for good. It involved a mouth on hers, shutting her up. It involved hands on hers, trapping her arms. She gasped and willed herself to protest, but her open mouth was the ammunition he needed to dive in. Klaus did so with the sheer force of someone intent on attacking…except his attack felt like an explosion of hot passion, insane hunger, and salvation all rolled into one.

She melted into the kiss. She didn’t mean to, but there was no helping the roaring in her head and the deliciousness that was his mouth, taking what he wanted and kissing her with a fervor that threatened to make her come. Already, she was on that verge as her nipples tightened and her core throbbed, drowning in the way he felt and moved against her—like he was sinking, too, and needed her as his anchor. A stunning revelation came amid the transition from fighting to kissing, blowing her mind when she read his emotion under all the boiling anger.



He broke away slightly, but only to exhale hot breath against her.

“Damn you, Saph.”

She glared and hissed, crumpling his shirt with her fists when her nickname in his rough voice felt like a separate, intimate caress.


He kissed her again. This time, there was no resistance as she chased the glory, her tongue tangling with his. When she arched into him, she felt the bulge in his trousers, rubbing against her stomach and begging to be touched. Her palm splayed to his stomach, torn, then trembling when his muscles rippled against her fingertips. Before she could decide, fingers were gliding under her skirt and her body was trembling with anticipation. She arched again, the ache building to an intensity that was maddening and needing something inside her to rub her out of her misery.

A gasp came, not belonging to either of them. It was a faint buzz in her ear, her head still so lost in the daze of his kisses and touch. But Klaus didn’t share the sentiment, his body already turning cold against her. Then his hands and mouth were gone, finally allowing her the space to screw her head back into place.

“I guess this means our mating’s canceled,” a familiar voice said.

Emerald stood in the now-open doorway, but she wasn’t alone. Beside her stood Belly, mouth agape, and behind them was Miko, who had just shifted his gaze elsewhere. A few seconds later, he was pulling Belly with him and disappearing to give them some privacy. She looked at Emerald, her shame snapping, then looked at Klaus. Her body went cold at the look on his face.

“You betrayed me. That was your ploy all along.”

The accusation was raw and swimming with rage. As her forgotten plan came to fruition, the triumph she expected didn’t appear, even though it gave her what she wanted all along.

Numbness coated her from head to toe as it registered fully.


“You won.”

She swallowed, her chest tightening. She glanced at Emerald, who was eyeing them back and forth, doubling her shame.

“Em, this isn’t…”

“What it looks like?” Emerald finished. “I think it is. And I think it means one thing. The deal’s off.”

Sapphire sucked in a breath. Then she moved when Klaus did, correctly guessing his path and putting herself in between before he could get to her sister. He stared at her in disbelief.

“I’m not going to hurt Emerald.”

“I know that,” she said.

“But I am going to argue with her.” At that, he turned back to Emerald. “The deal’s not off.”

Emerald remained calm while she frowned at him. “You can’t expect me to marry you after I caught you canoodling with someone else. My sister, no less.”

“It was all my fault—” Sapphire began.

“No, it wasn’t,” he cut in.

“I was talking to her,” she gritted out. “Youthink it was my fault.”

“Then we share the fault,” he said stubbornly. “You for seducing me to break the pact and me for being too weak to resist your wily charms.”

“You brought me here and kissed me.”
