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My eyes shot up. “What?”

“When you left. He was a mess.” She put on her serious face. “We all were. I know what you’re thinking, and you can cut that shit right now. No one replaced you.”

“I didn’t mean—”

She shoved her index finger over my lips, pressing harder than was necessary. “Stop right there. Do not apologize.” She dropped her hand. “I see you, boo. You’re out there planning celebrity weddings and living the dream. You were always too big for this town, Ken. You were just never brave enough to leave.”

I left because I was a coward. It had nothing to do with being brave. I left because I was afraid staying would mean losing Hendrix. We were walking into a fire without a water hose.

“I miss it. I miss you.”I miss him.

Her face softened, her bottom lip poking out in a pout. “Aww. We miss you too. Maybe if you visited more than once a year, you’d miss it a little less, bitch.” Her voice raised an octave, intentionally.

I huffed a laugh. “You have such a way with words.”

She smiled, and her voice went back to normal. “That’s why you love me.”

“One of many reasons.”

“Seriously, though. You’re rocking it. Don’t be sorry for that. This is your home. We are your family. Keep kicking ass and we will keep being your biggest cheerleaders.Allof us.”

“What did I do to deserve you?”

“Nothing yet. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something.” She smacked my ass, then turned toward the door. “Have your ass at Volley Beach at two o’clock.”

“Yes, Mom.”


Volley Beach was the ultimate in sand volleyball. There were six courts, a tiki-style clubhouse that served greasy fries, nachos, and all the cold beer and frozen margaritas a person could drink. On one side of the courts, there was a covered deck with charcoal grills, picnic tables, and surround sound speakers that played songs off a digital jukebox. On the other side of the courts, there was a large patch of grass that people placed blankets on and watched the games. Every weekend, teams from all over came to play. Some of them were regulars, like us. Some of them were from places like Wilmington. All of them were here to have a good time.

We were in our usual spot on the deck. Ashton sat in one of those travel chairs that people took camping or to baseball games. Kacey was on his lap. Holmes was shamelessly flirting with Dallas while he seasoned hamburger patties, and Lexi was at a picnic table, scrolling through her phone. I had just started a fire in the grill when I saw Kennedy walk up. She wore gray Spandex shorts that looked more like cheekster panties than actual shorts and a white tank top. The bright pink string of her bikini top tied around her neck. I laughed to myself because I was wearing pink shorts with little gray flamingos on them—because real motherfuckers wore pink—and a white t-shirt. That was our thing. We always matched. Even now, without planning it, she looked like she belonged with me.

“Hey, guys,” she said, and everyone stopped what they were doing. “Hendrix,” she said, addressing me specifically. As if I wasn’t one of theguys.

Over the speakers, Bruno Mars sangThat’s What I Like. To the side of us, another group of players laughed and popped the caps off their beers. Somewhere not far away the lid of an ice chest slammed down. But here…right now…in our little circle. Silence.

Everyone here knew exactly why I got shitfaced last night. Drunk Hendrix didn’t know when to keep his fucking mouth shut. This bomb had been ticking for two years. It was bound to go off sometime.

All eyes were on me as I twisted the gold cap off my beer and drank half the bottle in one swig. I set the metal grill over the coals once the flame tempered down.

“Kennedy,” I said back.

“I’m just here to hang out. I haven’t played in forever. I wouldn’t want to mess up the good thing you guys have going.” Her gaze bounced from me to Lexi, and she smiled.

She’s jealous.Kennedy fucking Shay was jealous of Lexi. Even though she had no reason to be. Lexi was my friend and friends were off the table. I didn’t shit where I ate. That was a mistake I’d only make once.

Ashton cleared his throat as Kacey hopped off his lap.

“Come on, Ken. It hasn’t beenthatlong. There’s no way you forgot how to play,” Kacey said.

I lifted my bottle to take another drink, stopping to stare before it reached my lips. Holding my beer in mid-air, my eyes shifted from Ashton to Kacey to Dallas, then to Holmes. None of them said a word, but their eyes said everything. Every time I met someone’s gaze, their eyes fell straight to the ground.

Kennedy was my partner.Wasbeing the keyword. Now, Lexi was my partner. She had been for two years.

What are you going to do, Hendrix?

Logically, Lexi was the right choice. She would be here long after Kennedy left in a few days, and I’d still need a partner. But my heart—and my dick—didn’t give a fuck about logic. They wanted Kennedy. Choosing Lexi would have made an already awkward situation even worse.
