Page 83 of Redemption

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I roll my shoulders, spinning on the spot to hunt for any more targets, when I hear Jess call out my name. “Wren, watch out.”

She’s pointing over my shoulder, and I turn and duck just in time as the air whooshes above me from a bat swinging in the air.

Holy fuck.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Valentina yells in an almost battle cry, before two bullets leave her chamber, and the splatter of the fucker’s blood hits me across the face. My pulse rings in my ears as I smear the blood on my cheeks, turning to glance over my shoulder just as Valentina rushes toward me. “Are you okay?” she asks, lifting my chin up to inspect me.

“Who knew friends could be just as crazy as us,” I mumble, watching as Luna glances toward Jess before turning back to me with a look of understanding taking over her face.

“We can’t live with them, and we wouldneverlive without them.”

No truer words have ever been said.

Turning my attention back to Valentina as she steps back, I reach out and squeeze her arm. “Thank you,” I breathe, before cringing as I shove her to the side and shoot at a man ready to take aim from back beside the mausoleum.

“What the… Oh, I would say thanks, but you dirtied my cute pants,” Valentina mutters as she rises to her feet, brushing the dirt off like I’m not standing here covered in blood in the middle of a goddamn shootout.


The angry growl echoes around us, making the four of us pause as we all quickly exchange a look before running toward the sound.

This is really fucking happening. I’m working with them. On what seems to be the right side for a change? Fuck knows, all I know is they’re not getting all the blood on their hands today, not after what happened to my Enzo.

We slow our steps as we move from one mausoleum to another, hearing the same cry of anger as we press our backs to the final stone structure.

Glancing around the corner, I spot Matteo in the distance, and before I can think better of it, I start heading in his direction, my gut telling me to get closer to him. But the second I get to the other side of the mausoleum, I’m dragged sideways, knocked off balance and pinned against a chest. I almost sob when my gun drops from my hold at the exact same time I feel the metal end of another firearm press against my temple.


Everything moves in slow motion as Dmitri calls out Matteo’s name.

“Come out, come out wherever you are, Matteo. I have something sweet that I believe belongs to you.” I can hear the excitement in his tone, but I don’t falter with the pistol aimed at my skull. Instead, I use the opportunity to take everything in around me.

Oscar is standing a few meters away, his gun aimed at Dmitri as he eyes the situation, while Parker and Roman pause the beatings they’re laying onto the men at their feet. I haven’t seen Rafe and Bryce yet, but I can only assume they’re here somewhere.

Running my tongue over my bottom lip, I stay still in his hold as I pray that Matteo doesn’t come out. I don’t pray hard enough, because a moment later, he steps out from around the flames that continue to flicker in the middle of the fucking graveyard with his gun aimed in my direction.

“Ah, there you are. I show up here to offer my condolences and this is how you greet me?” Dmitri hisses, jabbing the gun harder into the side of my head, but I don’t move an inch, not even blinking back the pain. Instead, I continue to focus on Matteo’s every move.

“Fuck your condolences, Dmitri, and fuck you,” Matteo bites, which only makes the crazed man behind me scoff in response.

“Lower your gun or I put a bullet in her skull right now.”

I offer the subtlest shake to my head, watching as Matteo keeps his eyes trained on me, and in slow motion, he lets his gun hang loose on his finger, before dropping it to the floor.


He shouldn’t have fucking done that.

“Where’s Aleksi?” Dmitri shouts, making my ears ring with discomfort.

“I don’t know, Dmitri. Now, let go of her,” Matteo grunts, his jaw so tense it could cut through fucking steel at this stage.

“You lured us out here, you played your games, and now I want to know where my fucking brother is.” Dmitri sounds more crazed with every word that passes his lips, and I know he’s not going to ease off.

“Someone, take the shot,” I shout, before Dmitri smacks the gun into the side of my head, making me hiss with the pain, but it doesn’t change my mind. “Take. The. Shot,” I repeat, hoping like hell someone who isn’t a De Luca is willing to make that call, but before I can find out, I hear the raspy tone of Vito’s voice in the distance.

“Did you say you wanted Aleksi?”
