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She gave me a faint smile. “This was just one of the ways we were able to get so many across to this side when we were under attack.”

“And you weren’t planning to warn us?” I hissed. If I’d known, I would have made sure I was standing right next to Prisca during the battle. She wouldn’t be alone and in danger now.

Telean frowned at me. “It didn’t occur to me that she would be taken in such a manner. But this is a good thing. It means important people are interested in her.”

If I told Telean exactly what I thought ofthat, my wildcat would likely castrate me when she returned.

And shewouldreturn. Or I would find a way to get to that fucking kingdom. Sea serpents be damned.

“It may feel as if you will die without her clamped to your side,” Telean said softly, “but that is not the case, Prince. And this is something that you both should learn sooner rather than later.”

I bared my teeth, and she was wise enough to drop her gaze. Pivoting, I stalked back toward the hole. And this time, I examined it with my power. There was no ward hiding the magic that had taken Prisca. It was as if she truly had disappeared.

If they harmed her in any way…if they made her afraid…I would—

“Lorian,” Galon said softly.

I slowly turned, finding him watching me. “We will find her,” he said. “If she doesn’t return to us, we will cross the Sleeping Sea and hunt those who took her. For now…” He glanced at Rythos, and I followed his gaze.

Rythos was sitting at Fendrel’s side, his head bowed. I reached deep for control. Rythos was one of my brothers. And I could practically hear Prisca snarling at me to pay attention.

Getting to my feet, I crossed the rocky shore and sat next to him in silence, until he lifted his head, his eyes wet.

“He wanted off that island, and all I did was get him killed,” he said.

“He hid on the ship. He knew you wouldn’t allow him to come for this very reason. He’s never seen true battle.”

Rythos just shook his head. “And now, he never will.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“My father was right,” he muttered. “All I am to them is poison.”

Rythos’s father had never deserved him. But sometimes a man had to learn such lessons for himself.

Marth finished searching the bodies and approached, crouching next to Fendrel’s body.

“Fendrel would be disappointed to find you wallowing in guilt.”

Rythos shook his head, blocking all of us out.

I turned my face toward the hybrid kingdom. Where the fuck was she?

* * *

My heartbeat thundered against my rib cage as I walked toward the throne room, Pelysian’s message tucked into my bodice. His mother had agreed to try my suggestion.

But that voice in my head taunted me with the knowledge that Sabium was somehow always one step ahead of me.

According to Pelysian’s mother, her kind of power was unpredictable. Risky. Often experimental.

I strolled into the throne room, finding Sabium staring at his general. He ignored me, and I slipped past, taking a seat on my throne.

I studied him, my blood rushing in my ears. Sabium was becoming increasingly paranoid and had installed even more spies at court. Thankfully, he was currently distracted by Tymedes, who wore the resigned expression of one who knew these words might be his last.

“The heir has reached the western coastline, Your Majesty.”

Sabium’s face turned purple.
