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Unable to bear the separation from Michael any longer, I decided to take matters into my own hands. With the help of Michael's assistant, Jessica, a secret rendezvous at his office is arranged. I follow Jessica through the hallway.

"John is out for a meeting now. So that leaves about one to two hours for you to have alone time with Michael." She explains, and I nod.

As we get to Michael’s office, my heart races with anticipation. "Thank you so much, Jessica," I express my sincere gratitude.

"It's all good. And please, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Jessica offers a reassuring smile before leaving me.

I take a moment to compose myself before opening the door to see Michael sitting at his desk, looking startled at my sudden appearance.

"Serena," Michael gasps, quickly rising from his seat and rushing towards me. "John may see you visiting me in my office. You shouldn't be here. He is going to wonder why you are here."

"Don't worry; John is out. Jessica arranged this so that I could see you secretly." I reassure him.

"Jessica." Michael seems shocked that Jessica knows about our relationship, but I assure him our secret is safe.

"I just had to see you," I confess, unable to hide my longing to be with him.

Michael's concern turns into passion as he pulls me into his arms, kissing me intensely, and I respond eagerly. It feels like an eternity since we last shared such a moment, and I relish the feeling of being held by him once more.

Carried away by our emotions, Michael lifts me and places me gently on the desk, our kisses growing more passionate every second. My body starts to tingle with excitement, my hands gripping his face as I pull him closer, not wanting to let him go.

I've missed him so much.

Finally, we break the kiss, but our foreheads are still touching as we breathe. "I've missed you so much," Michael whispers.

"I've missed you too," I reply.

"I don't think I can handle being away from you anymore," I admit. Michael sighs, cupping my face in his hands.

"I think it's time we tell John,” He suggests, looking determined.

I shake my head with fear. "He will never approve of it. He'll try to keep us apart, and I can't bear that."

Michael holds me tightly, trying to reassure me. "I don't want anything to come between us, Serena," he says softly. "But going behind John's back will only cause more harm. We must find a way to make this work."

I realize the truth in Michael's words. We must find a way to navigate this complicated situation without damaging their relationships.

"I'm scared, Michael," I admit. "But I believe in us. We'll find a way to make it work, and I won't let anything come between us."

He holds me even tighter, making me feel safe. "I promise you, Serena, I'll do everything in my power to ensure that nothing comes between us," Michael vows as he looks into my eyes.

I find a glimmer of hope, and I pray that we will find a way to protect our relationship while working towards a future where we can openly embrace our love without fear.

Chapter 17

Truth Is Out


Deep down, I know Michael was right when he warned me that lying to John and hiding our relationship would only make things worse, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to break the news just yet. I'm unsure if I am the right person to tell John; I need more time.

Countless times I’ve tried to gather the courage to tell John the truth, only to chicken out at the last moment or have my plan disrupted by unforeseen circumstances. It seems like there is never a right moment to reveal our secret.

My phone starts to ring, and I notice it's Cassie calling me back.

"Have you told John about your relationship with Michael yet?" She asks me, her face on my phone screen cracking slightly because of the bad network connection.

I sigh.
